中國詩學鑑賞想要超越,就必須思考從詩人和作品的思想、設計、考據來做全面視角的觀察。鑑賞詩歌既要掌握作者「心境」與作品所表現的「詩境」,還要考慮欣賞者的「悟境」,三者都是極重要的。本文欲就黃永武先生《中國詩學.鑑賞篇》一書作綜覽,並綜述其詩評特色和指導之功,同時本文依照《中國詩學.鑑賞篇》原書章節,分別闡釋〈讀者的悟境〉、〈作品的詩境〉及〈作者的心境〉諸章特色的觀察心得,希望能夠試著將全書的特色廣為討論並選用新舊例以作詮解。《中國詩學》四冊書歷經作者三十多年收集佳例及前後再次增訂,植入一生詩學功力和許多深廣精闢的考據,足為現代中國詩歌評論方面的圭臬,具備深入研究與探討的價值。 Outstanding appreciation of Chinese poetics must rely on the general observation on the poets and works, including the background of thoughts, design measures and proofs. In order to appreciate the poetry, the authors’ mental states, the conception of the works and the readers’ “comprehension” are considered important. This study aims to generally review Chinese Poetics: Appreciation of Huang Yung-Wu and elaborate the characteristics of criticism on poetry and function of instruction. Moreover, according to the chapters of Chinese Poetics: Appreciation, this paper suggests the learning after observing “the readers’ comprehension”, the conception of the works” and “author’s mental state” in order to discuss the characteristics of the book and use the new and old cases as the examples.