民國第一才子錢鍾書先生詩尊子美,在其《談藝錄》與《管錐篇》中皆流露出對杜甫極高的評價;且錢先生優美雄健之古典詩創作,亦深受杜甫影響,尤其是杜甫經歷安史亂後,詩歌中流露了憂生念亂、承擔天下之志,在錢鍾書先生遭遇日寇侵華,國變家毀之際,在用詞與風格上更能深切地體悟忠愛纏綿之杜甫精神,因此,本文將以錢鍾書先生古典詩集《槐聚詩存》1937年至 1945年對日抗戰期間,描寫離亂的詩歌主題為研究對象,考論錢鍾書先生古典詩與杜甫詩間的互文性。 Mr. Qian Zhongshu’s poem was highly respect to Du Fu in his writings of Tan-yi-lu and Guan-zhui-pian. Mr. Qian’s graceful classic poetry was deeply affected by Du Fu, especially the concern and responsibility about the society from Du Fu’s poetry after the Rebellion of An Lu-shan and Shih Sze-ming. Mr. Qian had met W.W.Ⅱ and his word usage and style were deeply realized the loyalty and love of Du Fu’s spirit. Therefore, this article discuss the intertextuality of Mr. Qian’s and Du Fu’s poetry based on Mr. Qian’s classic poetry “Huai-ju-shi-cun” in period of 1937 to 1945.