會泉法師( 1874-1943)是 20世紀上半葉閩南佛教的重要人物,無論是面向在家信眾的通俗弘法,或針對出家佛教之僧教育等兩大領域,會公都做出了影響深遠的工作,故而在中國現代佛教史的革新主流方面,佔有一席無可取代的顯著地位。此外,他在 1938年日軍侵占廈門的歷史時期,堅決抗拒日方特務的徵召以出任偽職,轉道香港而南走馬新,昀後圓寂於檳榔嶼,成為大馬漢系佛教南來高僧的代表性人物之一。會泉法師在暮年時期南來,並於二戰期間在馬新各地弘法,昀終駐錫檳嶼,成為升旗山下妙香林寺的開山住持,前後雖只得短短的五年,但無論是其生前或捨報圓寂之後的數十餘年,都對大馬佛教產生了一定的影響。針對會泉法師南來之前對閩南佛教的推動,論者多有關注,但南來之後對大馬漢系佛教的影響,卻缺乏專文討論。本文一方面梳理大師一生的重要行跡,另方面則在有限的史料中挖掘其南來事蹟,從而勾連馬中佛教的關係。 Reverend Hui Quan (1874-1943) was the dominant leader in Minnan Buddhist before 20 century. He was not only skill in popular preaching, but also tribute to the Sangha education. He had been accessed a dominant and un-replaceable seat in the modern Chinese Buddhism’s revolution. In 1938, the Japanese Army occupied Amoy. His leadership in Minnan Buddhism had induced Japanese Army to arrest him, as a symbol of allegiance of Buddhist leader to Japanese Army. He declined to do so and fled to British Malaya. His passed away at Penang. The fleeing monk became one of the representative personages of Malaya Chinese Buddhism. Hui Quan had arrived in Malaya at his old age. He was preaching the Dharma throughout Malaya during the World War II. Finally, he stopped at Penang. He was the founder and first abbot of Beow Heong Lim Temple at Hill Railway Road, Penang. His influence to Malaya Chinese Buddhism could not be ignored albeit he only staying 5 years in Malaya. The impetus of Hui Quan toward Minnan Buddhism has attracted the concerning of the researchers. Even though, his story in Malaya is still leaving untold. The purpose of the paper is to elaborate the saga of the dominant Buddhist leader, especially telling his life in Malaya, with the limited sources. This might help in building the historical relationship between China and Malaya.