本文由「意識並不是普遍的」宣稱開始反思,經由哲學和精神分析學的交織介面,重新忖度無意識主體性的意涵及其臨床實踐。在論述策略上,主要從拉岡的主體性理論與其倫理學之間的關係,以精神分析學反覆探索的場所、時間、機遇、創傷四個現象層面,探究無意識主體的浮現,由此來看待一門可能的「精神分析倫理學」,回答所謂「意識主體死亡」之外的另一種主體性理論路徑,並以此新型態的主體性來回應意識主體的危機。本文認為,無意識主體的真實、機遇與重逢,無非就是一種聆聽欲望,依著無意識主體運動方式存活的欲望倫理的進化開展歷程。如此,對於創傷經驗的處理方式,也生成另一種可能性。 To reflect the claim ‘the conscious is not the universal’, the paper is aimed to reconstruct the unconscious subjectivity from the theoretical psychology, and to put the related concepts into clinical practice. Borrowed from the four phenomenological concepts, namely, lieu, temporality, tuché and trauma, we propose the new ethics of the psychoanalysis as the route to the reemergence of the unconscious subject to reply with the enlightenment thought crisis what so called the conscious subject is dead. This article is concluded the unconscious subjectivity is reconstructed based on the ethics of desires, the process is nothing but listening to the desire by repetition without the betrayal of the semantics of the desire from the unconscious.