立法院於2010年5月18日三讀通過「環境教育法」草案,將於2011年6月5日施行,此舉開創我國在環境教育新的里程碑;然而環境教育最終的理念是促使國民重視環境,採取行動,以達永續發展之公民教育過程,環境教育法是推波助瀾力量。然而一般探究環境教育大多著重於教育軟體面向,在硬體設施部分則較少探究,本研究企圖探究環環境教育學習場域規劃設計。貝爾格勒憲章(Belgrade Charter)提出環境教育對象分為兩部分,包含正規教育及非正規教育,正規教育以各級學校的師生為主,非正規教育廣義而言就是以全民為主。環境教育在正規教育中以融入學習領域或專題討論方式傳達給學生,教學場域大多以學校為主;而在非正規教育中透過解說或教育方案傳達給一般大眾,教學場域大致上以解說為主的博物館與以教育方案為主的自然中心。自然中心在硬體規劃設計上,雖屬起步階段,但為環境教育在非正規教育中重要學習場域,其以教學方案為主的性質等同於環境教育在正規教育中的學校場域。在學校與自然中心同為環境教育重要教學場域,本研究透過自然中心規劃設計以及學校規劃設計文獻,透過歸納統整,尋求其共通點,提出環境教育學習場域規劃設計,包含核心理念、規劃設計原則、硬體空間設施原則。 Legislative Yuan passed the third reading of draft of Environmental Education Act on May 18th, 2010; and the new law will take effect on June 5th 2011. This new law is a milestone for the domestic environmental education; the concept of environmental education is to promote the importance of environment and takes real actions so that the process of sustainable development in the civic education can be achieved with help from the implementation of Environmental Education Act. In general, the environmental education focuses on the aspect of software education with less focus on the hardware facilities. The aim of this research paper is to study the design and planning of environmental education’s learning field. The two objects of environmental education proposed by Belgrade Charter include formal education and non-formal education. The formal education focuses on the school teachers and students; the non-formal education extensively targets on the general public. The formal education of environmental education integrates the ways of learning field and topic discussion to disseminate the concept to the students, and most of the teaching fields are at schools; however, the non-formal education uses interpretation or educational program to disseminate the concept to the general public, and the teaching fields include museums and nature centers.Although the design of hardware facility at nature center is still in preliminary stage, it is an important learning field for non-formal education of environmental education; and the purpose of educational program is just like the learning field of schools for the formal education. As both schools and nature centers are important learning fields for environmental education, this study uses the design and planning for nature centers and design documentations for school planning, with induction and integration to find the common grounds; this study also proposes the design and planning of environmental education’s learning field including the core concept, principle of design and planning and principle of the hardware facilities