羅逖與高達美分屬英美及歐陸兩個不同的哲學傳統。雖然他們都重視哲學的教化作用,但對它們卻有不同的描述。本文從三方面比較他們的教化哲學,它們分別是:過程與成果,相異與統一和廣度與深處。通過本文的分析,可以看出羅逖和高達美在不同哲學傳統下,對教化在生命上的不同強調,及它們對生命的可能貢獻。 This essay tries to compare the concepts of Bildung in Rorty and Gadamer by way of the following three respects: process and result, contrast and integrity, comprehensiveness and penetration. Although Rorty and Gadamer belong to different philosophical traditions: Anglo-American and the Continental, both of them agree that Bildung occupies an important place in philosophical discourse. The author shows how Rorty and Gadamer, in the impact of their own traditions, develop their concepts of Bildung, and finally, he illustrates how their concepts of Bildung may contribute to the formation of an ideal life.