本研究調查在臺灣的241位藏人,完成149人調查,完成率61.8%。分析結果顯示,在對待流亡藏人上,接受調查的藏人認為臺灣政府遠比中國大陸政府(中共)友善;在臺藏人認為自己不是「中國人」、「臺灣人」的比例有88.4%;在提升中國人認同的四項因素上,以「中共自身民主化程度」及「給予西藏外交空間增加」二大因素最有效果。不管中共允不允許西藏獨立,藏人對未來西藏的統獨問題,以「由藏人自己決定」為多數;至於藏人在「西藏與中國大陸關係」的個人立場,以「高度自治,以後走向獨立」最高(68.7%)、其次是「看情形再決定獨立或統一」(26.5%)。 This study investigates 241 Tibetans in Taiwan and 149 of them complete the survey, indicating an accomplishment ratio of 61.8%. Results show Tibetans think the Taiwan Government is much friendlier to exiled Tibetans than Mainland China government. 88.4% of Tibetans in Taiwan believe they are neither “Chinese” nor “Taiwanese”. Among four factors for enhancing Chinese identity, two factors-“democratization degree of CCP” and “enlarged diplomatic space for Tibet” -are the most effective. No matter the CCP permits Tibet independence or not, most Tibetans think future unification or independence of Tibet should “be decided by Tibetans”. With regard to personal attitude toward “relationship between Tibet and Mainland China”, Tibetans who hold a position of “high degree of autonomy and then independence” account for the highest ratio (68.7%); 26.5% of them think “independence or unification should be decided as per actual situation”.