本研究從現實主義的權力觀點探討中共對東亞區域整合的認知。事實上許多中共的學者均採取現實主義的角度分析中共的外交政策乃至於對東亞區域整合的認知,然而中共官方的外交理論與政策論述,表面上似乎採取了偏向自由主義的立場。本文認為中共的實際外交行為,才能反映中共真實的認知。本研究分析中共在東亞區域整合,以及中共與鄰國領土及主權爭議的實際外交作為後指出,相較於其他國際關係理論途徑,現實主義才能對中共的外交行為提出較合理的解釋。因此,中共是採取現實主義的權力觀點來認知東亞區域整合。這亦顯示中共的外交理論與論述,是與其實際外交作為是相互抵觸的。 This study probes the PRC’s cognition of the East Asian regional integration by the power standpoint of Realism. Actually, many Chinese scholars analyze the PRC’s foreign policy and its cognition of the East Asian regional integration by the realist approaches. The PRC’s official foreign theories and policy statements, however, seemingly adopt the standpoint of liberalism. This study argues that the PRC’s actual foreign behaviors reflect its real cognition. After analyzing China’s actual behaviors toward the East Asian regional integration, and also Chinese territorial, sovereign disputes with neighboring countries, the author argues that the realist approach provides more reasonable explanation on Chinese foreign behaviors than the other theoretical approaches in international theories. Therefore, the PRC adopts the realist standpoint to cognize the East Asian regional integration. It also means that Chinese theories and statements on foreign policies contradict to its foreign behaviors.