本文嘗試檢驗國際關係建構主義的認同觀點,是否能夠解釋中國大陸對於區域整合的態度。中國大陸學術界的文獻中,存在有兩種建構主義的認同觀點,其一是因為亞洲的區域認同已經存在,因而使中國大陸推動區域整合;其二則是亞洲區域認同還不存在,但正是為了建立區域的認同,中國大陸必須推動區域的整合。針對這兩種觀點,本文採取文字篇目的量化分析,以中國大陸的官方文件為初步的檢驗對象,但從中並未發現充分的證據。建構主義的認同觀點似乎無法解釋中國大陸對於區域整合的態度,後續的研究仍有必要。 The article texts the explanatory power of constructivist arguments in International Relations over Mainland China’s attitudes towards the Asian regional integration. Among the Chinese academic literatures regarding Asian regional integration, two constructivist arguments can be identified. First, there is already an Asian identity. Based on this identity, Mainland China promotes regional integration. Second, there is yet an Asian identity. Mainland China promotes regional integration to build an Asian identity. The article tests these two arguments by quantitative approach and finds no concrete evidence. Constructivist arguments seems to have no explanatory power in explaining Mainland China’s attitudes towards the Asian regional integration. Further studies are required.