2011年2月利比亞發生內戰,3月法國成為第一個承認利比亞反抗軍的西方國家,其後更首先率先對利比亞展開空襲。國內學界及輿論界對於法國此舉的主要目的,多有分析,但較少觸及法國國內對於此舉動的反應。本文首先介紹從利比亞革命至法國決定出兵的過程。其次,敘述法國內部各界對此事件的反應:法國政府認為此次出兵是濟弱鋤強;法國國會雖贊成出兵但質疑政府出兵的正當性;法國輿論雖贊成出兵但態度保留;法國學術界尚未有定論。本文希冀透過法國各界對此次出兵的看法,以一窺此次出兵在法國對外政策中的意涵。 Libyan civil war broke out in February, 2011. Then in March 2011, France became the first western nation to recognize anti-Gaddafi forces of Libya, and the first western nation to take military actions against Gaddafi troops in Libya. So far, the reasons of this military intervention are widely analyzed by scholars and journalists, but with regards to the French domestic opinions on this military mission are rarely mentioned. This article tries to fill this gap by exploring the attitude of French government, parliament, public opinion, and academia. This would shed light on the implications of this military mission to the overall French foreign policy.