近年來由於新興的非營利組織林立,競相募集資源,又在大環境經濟不景氣下,使募款的工作雪上加霜,財源的籌募形成多數非營利組織的艱難任務。傳統的募款方案通常以活動的方式規劃,需投入許多時間、志工人力及活動經費(成本),為高投入的募款工作。這類募款方案對於需投入密集人力於直接服務且缺乏公關專業人才的非營利組織而言,無疑地瓜分了專業服務人力,間接影響服務品質。有別於傳統募款的不同方式,如何在有限的資源下以最低的人力及經費投入而達到募款目標,可行的途徑為尋求企業的挹注或合作募款,並運用策略行銷的概念設計募款方案。其目的在於借力使力,運用企業的內部通路、公關專業及既有的廣告行銷預算,以最小的投入創造高產出的勸募成果。本文擬以策略行銷的概念及募款實務工作的經驗探討非營利組織如何運用策略行銷的概念與企業合作募款,從組織的使命、經費需求分析,到情勢分析、尋求企業合作、評估行銷募款環境、共定募款目標,以致募款策略的規劃、執行、控制的過程,進而建檔管理捐贈者的資料並與之建立長期的關係。除維繫資源不流失外,累積每一次的募款方案新的資源,其扇狀向外延伸的效果,日愈擴大資源及通路,使組織有充裕的經費,掌握自主權,穩定組織的運作及發展服務使命。 Since new non-profit organizations (NPO) are booming, fundraising becomes a more difficult task for most non-profit organizations under the environment of economic recession. Traditional fundraising depends largely on activities, which need much time, more volunteer and cost, while intense human resource and direct services are greatly needed in NPO operation. In order to achieve goals with limited resources and minimum manpower, cooperating with enterprises or funding with the strategic marketing concept is a practicable solution for NPO.Adapting strategic marketing concept and fundraising experiences, this paper explores how non-profit organizations apply strategic marketing concept to fund and cooperate with the enterprises. Based on organization mission, non-profit organizations begin expense demand analysis and situational analysis, seek cooperation with the enterprises, evaluate fundraising environment, set a goal, implement strategies, manage the resources and eventually establish a long-term relationship with the donors. As a result, NPO may achieve a stable operating and developing without losing the financial independence.