本研究之目的在運用結構方程模式探討非營利組織工作人員的生涯承諾及相關因素,涵蓋社會支持、角色知覺與組織承諾。研究者以身心障礙福利服務機關工作人員為研究對象,以自編之問卷為工具,抽樣調查全國有效樣本共932位。研究結果顯示,本研究所提出之模式,在基本適配度、整體模式適配度及模式內在結構適配度等三方面檢定雖有微許指標未達理想標準,但綜合言之,本研究所建立之社會支持、角色知覺、組織承諾和生涯承諾關係之模式在解釋資料上大致可接受與適配的,此外也發現角色知覺與社會支持對個人生涯承諾有重要的影響。 The purpose of this study was applying structural equation modeling to explore career commitment model of persons working with individuals with disabilities in social welfare organizations of Non-profit organizations. The related factors of career commitment included social support, role perception, and organizational commitment. A self-developed questionnaire was used to gain the career perceptions of persons working with individuals with disabilities. 932 copies were valid. The result revealed that the fit test of structure equation model, it showed that the proposed modified model of social support, role perception, organizational commitment and career commitment was supported in terms of preliminary fit criteria, overall model fit and fit of internal structural model. The other result indicated that role perception and social support had important affect on career commitment.