本研究主要是探討逆境商數與工作壓力對企業員工關係之研究。本研究以台灣雲嘉南地區上班族做為研究對象,以便利抽樣發出1000份問卷,回收307份,有效回收率為30.7%。而所得之資料運用統計軟體分析處理。透過迴歸分析,本研究結果顯示,逆境商數對工作壓力有顯著的負向影響,而逆境商數的組成因素裡,控制能力與影響範圍對工作壓力也存在顯著的負向影響,責任歸因與持續時間則沒有對工作壓力存在顯著的影響。 The research mainly discusses about the interrelationship between adversity quotient and work stress, taking the office workers in Taiwan as research objects in order to distribute 1000 questionnaires, 307 of which retrieved and the valid ratio is 30.7%. Via regression analysis, the result indicates that the adversity quotient has negative influence on the work stress while controlling ability and its reach also has negative influence on that in the component factors of adversity quotient. In addition, the origin and ownership and endurance don’t have significant influence on the work stress.