面對高流動率及高工作壓力的護理人員,職場上所感受到的主管支持是否足以扮演撫慰護理人員心理層面之關鍵角色?本研究目的探討護理人員對所屬主管所展現出來的主管支持,是否會直接或間接影響其個人之幸福感及離職傾向。經過分析與驗證之後,發現:1. 主管支持對幸福感有顯著正向影響;2. 幸福感對離職傾向有顯著負向影響;3. 主管支持會透過幸福感的完全中介而影響離職傾向。另在本文中亦討論研究限制以及未來研究參考。 In the face of high person who flow and high nursing staff of working pressure, executive is it display sincere to well-being could is it conciliate nursing staff psychological key role of aspect to act to strengthen? The purpose of this research is to evaluate the authenticity degree that a nursing staff shows to the well-being, can directly or indirectly to personal psychological agreement and intention to leave. Results: We have found that: 1. Supervisor Support positively affected well-being; 2. well-being do reduced turnover intention; 3. well-being mediated the relationship between supervisor support and turnover intention. In the paper, we also discussed some practical implications for nurse management and provide some ideas suggestions for future researches.