管理計量學派結合資訊決策科學,而形成後管理科學學派,此類學派,將所有管理活動要素區分成決策活動、機制功能、執行活動,透過這三類基本要素屬性,來闡述與解釋所有的管理問題。佛陀的教法是以“人的關懷”為起點,其教義及戒律自亦是建立在“為人”基礎上,這使得管理科學的系統思維方向與人間佛教管理理論之間,增加連結的可能性,這個連結如何使得二個不同的管理領域產生互補功能,為本文的主要內容。 The connection of the thinking of management sciences and the management of humanistic buddhism, The school of management sciences consists of management quantity field and information decision field, The management science school divides the management activities into three functions-decision function, mechanism functiion, and executive function. These three functions are applied to describe and explain the entire management problems, The start point of buddhist teaching is “Human care” and the dharma and buddhist commandment are built for human beings, Such a basis forms the bridge of the system thinking of management sciences and the management theory of humanistic buddhism, The above-mentioned bridge makes such two different fields to be connected and this would be the main content of this study.