摘要: | 現今資訊發達的時代,員工找工作大多為騎驢找馬的態度,人員的流動對公司也會形成負擔,讓公司不得不想出一套應變的對策,也突顯出人流的重要性。然而産生主動離職的原因是多方面的,所以當離職的念頭已經過深思熟慮,不是一時衝動、也不是逃避,而是依照客觀的條件找到最適合自己的決定。假如念頭產生時,若可以在事前加以預防,也許防止離職行為的發生。所以本研究藉由國內、外文獻探討,建立「製造業員工離職傾向」之準則因素,再透過專家訪談與習慣領域理論研擬出四項構面,共十二項評選準則;並利用層級分析法,將資料建立成對比較矩陣,衡量各評估指標間對應之權數,以明確計算出各評選準則之權重,合理研擬出製造業員工離職傾向之層級架構。研究結果顯示,在第二層的四大構面中,專家所最重視的評估準則依序為福利構面、個人構面、職涯構面及組織構面;而在第三層離職傾向的12個評估指標中,專家所最重視之前五項準則依次分別為薪資、健康、獎金福利、升遷機會、及家庭照顧。本研究結果可提供企業管理決策單位瞭解員工工作上所面臨之重要影響因素及比重,並使其在研擬與規劃離職有關之機制規定時,加強與員工溝通互動,進而提昇員工向心力,同時增進企業組織整體效益。 Nowadays information developed time , the staff looks for the works mostly for hold a temporary position while seeking a better job. Staff’s rate of flow also form the company’s burden, the company have to find out strain of countermeasure,when leaves job’s thought has been after long and deliberate consideration ,it’s not only impulses for a while but also not the escape, is depended on the objective conditions to find most suits own decision, when the thought produce in mind, might perform to prevent in anticipation perhaps can prevents to leave job the behavior occurrence.
So this research through home and abroad literature discussion established"manufacturing staff leaving tendencies" of guidelines factors, then through expert interview and habits field theory inquiry intends out four item frame surface, and total 12 item selection guidelines; then using AHP to establish the data into a matrix, measure the weights of various assessment between pointer corresponds to explicitly calculate the weights of the various selection criteria, reasonably develop manufacturing turnover level schema only.The results showed that, on the second of the four dimensions, the experts of the order of the most important assessment criteria were the welfare Gou Face the whole, personal dimension the overall, career dimensions of the overall and organizational structure body. In the third layer of separation to 12 pry assessment indicators, the experts are the most important five criteria followed were salaries overall, health overall, bonus benefits for the body advancement opportunities, and the whole to take care of the entire. The results of this study could be used by business management decision-making units to understand the effect factors of staff in working, and suggested for planning the separation-related mechanism. It also could enhance communication and interaction with employees, improving employee centripetal force, and enhance the whole industry benefits of the organization. |