本研究旨在探討消費者對家具產品知識與購買意願二者之間的相關影響與關係程度,運用皮爾森相關係數(Pearson correlation coefficient )來檢定產品知識與購買意願之間的關係,並透過Cronbach α信度檢定與線性迴歸分析,探討產品知識與消費者購買意願的相關影響,並建立適當之迴歸模型。研究結果顯示:1. 主觀知識、客觀知識及經驗知識三項家具產品知識與消費者購買意願是具有相關性,且經驗知識對消費者購買意願的相關程度最高,其次為客觀知識,而主觀知識則為最低,顯示消費者在購買家具產品主觀性方面不強,則是有較強烈之客觀性及體驗性關係。2. 當企業在進行設計與行銷面時,需要注意客觀知識與經驗知識二項皆會影響消費者購買意願。 3. 本研究結果顯示出消費者在進行家具產品的購買時,稍微會有自己本身的主觀感覺,但並不是直接影響消費者在做購買決策的因素。4. 本研究之迴歸方程式:消費者購買意願(y)= 1.662 + 0.273客觀知識(x2)+ 0.285經驗知識(x3)- 0.012主觀知識(x1),消費者購買意願分數的總平均為1.662;當客觀知識增加1分時,消費者購買意願分數將增加0.273;另外經驗知識增加1分時,消費者購買意願分數則會提高0.285,顯然客觀知識與經驗知識正向影響消費者購買意願,主觀知識對於消費者購買意願則呈現出負向影響。本研究結果期能作為家具產品設計部門與行銷部門之參考,藉以提昇企業之新家具產品開發績效與營運成效,最後達到企業營運目標。 The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship and influence between furniture product knowledge and consumer’s purchasing intention. The study was conducted the analyses by Cronbach α for questionnaire reliability, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Linear Regression for data analysis. Based on the findings of the data analysis, the findings in the study include: the positive relationships among subjective knowledge, object knowledge and experience knowledge. Consumer’s purchasing intentions were affected by object knowledge and experience knowledge. There is a negative effect with subjective knowledge. The regression model of the study is “consumer’s purchasing intention(y)= 1.662 + 0.273 object knowledge(x2)+ 0.285 experience knowledge(x3)- 0.012 subjective knowledge(x1)”The results of the study could be used as a reference for the departments of furniture product design and marketing in order to enhance the performances of new furniture product development and business, and then enterprises can reach their goals.