摘要: | 近年來景觀保存意識逐漸被強調,不僅是特定保存區內的景觀受到重視,整體的景觀保護與其周遭都市景觀的關係也逐漸受到關注,連帶影響世界對於都市景觀規劃的潮流,許多城市都在嘗試一些新的景觀保存與管制手法,大尺度、眺望景觀的規劃設計,成了眾多都市進行景觀保存和周遭景觀管制與規劃的重點;反觀國內都市景觀規劃現況,對於眺望景觀的了解仍是一知半解,相關研究與應用同樣缺乏,面對台灣這樣土地狹小卻擁有多元地形的地理環境,同時有著土地使用開發強度高的問題,都市內部高樓大廈林立,使得都市內部景觀保存更加不容易。然而與我們位置相近、景觀環境條件相似的日本,1970年代開始即對景觀規劃與保存等訂定相關條例,並持續關心相關議題,2004年景觀法正式上路後,以眺望景觀保存為主的相關行政作業、NPO團體和地區運動逐漸興起,有許多值得借鏡之處。因此,本研究試圖透過日本眺望景觀相關研究的整理,將西村幸夫、卓野源、小浦久子等學者對於眺望景觀的看法釐清,並進而將其所提出之眺望景觀類型進行整理,同時選出日本京都與岡山兩大重點城市,分析不同城市以眺望景觀概念應用於都市景觀管制之策略與手法,了解日本眺望景觀的發展歷程、相關管制策略以及實際規劃情況等,找出其運用於都市管制的優缺點,同時舉出適合台灣的作法,以做為台灣都市景觀管制策略發展學習的參考;最後,期望透過本研究,針對目前國內都市之景觀保存與管制等問題,並藉由眺望景觀的概念納入都市景觀管制,提出未來台灣都市景觀保護與管制相關的策略方向和建議。 In recent years, we put more emphases on the concepts of landscape conservation. We focus on not only the landscape of preservation areas, but the relations with urban landscape and neighboring cities. Thus, the trend of urban landscape planning is changing; many cities are trying some techniques of landscape preservation and control. Furthermore, landscape planning and design of large scale and the view landscape become the key point of the landscape control. In contrast, knowledge of urban landscape planning in Taiwan is still scanty. Related research and applications are poverty too. In Taiwan, the geographical environment is very complex. We do not have many spaces that can be used. In the inner city with many skyscrapers, it is much more difficult to conserve landscape.Japan, which is closed to Taiwan and own similar environmental conditions, legislated the regulation of the landscape planning and control in the 1970s, and is concerned with this issue continuously. The Landscape Law was found in 2004. Meanwhile, there is a rise of NPO (Nonprofit Organization) groups focusing on the view landscape preservation. Therefore, this researcher will document the view of landscape about Japan systematically, including Nishimura Yukio, Koura Hisako, etc. We choose the research of Kyoto and Okayama to analyze the strategies and techniques with concept of view landscape and urban control, to understand its development process, and to identify strengths and weaknesses. Finally this research will be conscious of the problems of urban landscape control and preservation in Taiwan. In addition, we will apply the concept of the view landscape to the urban control, and propose suggestions of the urban landscape preservation and control. |