漢娜.鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt, 1906-1975)是第二代的現象學者,直接師承自胡塞爾以及海德格。一般學者多注目在鄂蘭的政治哲學;但是,鄂蘭真正關心的是:「公共領域」的構成;亦即有關人們存在的環境與其意義之構成,以及公眾生活的基本特性。因此,鄂蘭對「場域」及「社群空間」,其實有著原創性的構思,並含有一系列反思現代社會的啟發性理念。 鄂蘭將「公共領域」定義為是一種將人們聚集在一起、互相聯繫起來的「事物共同體」。鄂蘭的創見在於,「空間」就是由人們的「生命活動」所構成的「在場」(location),而人與其環境乃是一種相依相存、同構同生的關係。這也是一種「社群」理念的原創理論。鄂蘭提供了我們反省現代社會的空間實踐、反思公共生活如何喪失意義的一個理論基礎。 Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), a thinker following the philosophical school of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, was commonly categorized as the second generation of phenomenologists. Scholars often gave too much attention to her contribution in the field of political ideas, and ignored her innovative thoughts on the theory of public sphere, which concerns the construction of meaningful existence for human-beings, and the nature and necessity of public life. This paper thus intends to discuss Arendt’s fundamental ideas of the public sphere, and people’s social space and the importance of their daily environment. According to Arendt, the public sphere is the shared commonly world that gathers people and all the things together. What was original about this theory is the idea that human beings are not represented as rational beings alone, but more an active life always interacting with other people in their social environment. Moreover, the public space, the communal space, which is the location for such an interaction, constituted the most essential traits of humanity, the locus of their very being in the world. This idea provided a new perspective that can rethink the prominent ideas of modern urban space and their practice.