遊戲空間是學童初期面對世界的窗口,直接觸及遊戲設施是遊戲最主要的方式,藉由遊戲設施偏好達成教育上的目的。本研究依學童背景差異,探討其受遊戲設施環境影響而使國小學童對遊戲場設施設計偏好之差異。研究方法以彰化縣溪洲國小為例,採實地問卷分析二、四、六年級計151位學童對遊戲設施偏好,並訪談教師。結果顯示73%的男學童認為好玩又刺激是吸引他們選擇遊具的主要因素,女學童則有60%亦有同感,另分別有七與六成的男女學童偏好不銹鋼與木質遊具材料。而遊具造型選擇較以新奇、多互動為選擇方向。本研究結果有助於景觀及遊憩設計者之參考。 A playground space is school children’s window to the world, and direct contact with playground facilities is the most primary method for them to achieve educational goals by preferences of playground facilities. This study discusses the impact of playground facilities environment and gaming behaviors on school children based on differences in their background. Adopted study measurements include field observation and research on the playground environment in the Changhua county Sijhou elementary school, questionnaire for analysis on the playground facilities preferences of 151 school children in the 2nd, 4th and 6th grades, and interviews with the teachers. The results, 73% of male students fun and exciting factors attract them to select playground equipment, female students has 60% is shared, the other 70% and 60% of male and female students preferences stainless steel and wood playground equipment material. Styling select of playground equipment for the novel and interactive. This study refer for landscape designer.