政事的運作,必須體察社會脈動,將心比心。朱子云:心豈無運用,須常在軀殼之內。類似的軀殼說,也出現在海德格辯證「人道、存在」的哲理中。他說:人類擁不少其它生物所沒有的行為能力,言語的掌握,最為特別。言語就像是「存在的家」,人類利用這種家的概念讓生命與理念延續,繼而捍衛與融合存在的真理。真實的世界裡,不論虛擬或實質的軀殼/家,它的地位絕不宜輕易被外力所藐視。Winston Churchill 對於居與殼之間的關係,也有一番啟示。他的語錄中記載:first we shape our building and afterwards our building shape us.如此可以斷言,人與居住行為的互動,絕對是唇齒相依的。創造優質的居住環境,以便養育健康的下一個世代,應該是政府的積極任務之一。在我國,改善居民生活環境的基本精神,明載於都市計畫法文本之首。畢竟,公權力與寡眾之力,通常在天秤之兩端無以平衡。何謂改善、如何改善、改善之終極,等等條件之履行,多數存乎一心。然而在華光社區的抗爭過程中,公部門的同理心缺席了。新聞媒體的記載,給未能參與現場的關懷者,有許多可以一窺究竟的機會。新聞媒體的報導,雖然不能全部採信,但是人事地物的事實,應該也不致於差距很大。媒體在最近五年來的事件記載紀錄裡,可以看出,在專業與權力不對等的現狀之下,一般百姓與公部門之間的地位,落差不小。經濟日報98年7月20日記載本地千億商機的報導,對社區內屈居陋巷、無力翻身的小市民而言,是一齣資本主義市場寫實諷刺的對照。華光社區的拆屋還地事件紛擾多年,在最終的拆除階段,寡眾與公權力之間,仍無法產生出弱勢的一方可以接受的妥協與安撫。媒體的記載如下:...王姓住戶開車載石綿瓦、木柱等拆屋廢棄物到法務部聲援,因手持磚頭,遭警方認為是「兇器」而強力攔阻,結果引爆衝突。抗爭結束後,法務部政次陳明堂邀集自救會成員協調,允諾將向中央反映安置問題。...類似公部門給與民眾的答覆如:的允以協助、或討論再議、或依法行政,都一一於各類影像及文字記載中,可以留待回顧分析。人類不斷的創造個人與集體理想未來的圖像,多數是環繞在一個給與取的環節之中,公平與合理是個大概的最低基礎,它是一種烏托邦的圖像。 A correct political Judgement must aware the needs of the people. Zhu Xi (*1130 ; -1200 )said once: comprehend the true mind in ones own body, give it no excuse. Heidegger expressed the similar idea. He wrote a phrase in 1947: Der Mensch aber ist nicht nur ein Lebewesen, das neben anderen Fähigkeiten auch die Sprache besitzt. Vielmehr ist die Sprache das Haus des Seins, darin wohnend der Mensch ek-sistiert, indem er der Wahrheit des Seins, sie hütend, gehört. Winston Churchill said: first we shape our building and afterwards our building shape us. Base on these statements, people’s Home equal a form, and the bring-up character should equal a kind of function. In this case, the function is after the form. Just like Chinese phrase: lips and teeth belong tightly together.This political consequence by supporting those ideal dwell should be one of the primer obligations for those from people voted government. Of course, the regulations, about the renewing/remodeling the declining urban area, are presented manifested in the law book. But the processing and effect by some practices were behind the expectation.Guan-Hua community was located in central area of city Taipei . Which has had almost over two hundred years trace of people’s dwelling. But these valuable social structure and the urban form have to bend his knee to the urban estate development program. This program claim to create a possible 20 Billion NT-Doller’s profit. The illustrated version from the public realm is obviously not at the same phase with those lower income residents’ point of view. They forfeit not only their home but also their hope. The optimal utopia society and city, which our wiser guide us, is all of sudden vanished. Is it chaos without ending or an opportunity to form another kind of utopia? This paper try to have a short researches and trace the possible emerge.