科普乃是科學普及讀物之簡稱。本研究旨在了解教師選用科普補充教材的決策準據,並分析不同人口統計變項與相關經驗的自然與生活科技領域教師對科普補充教材的選用決策準據之差異。研究對象為雲嘉地區擔任自然與生活科技領域的國小教師,依三縣市教師比例分層取樣,採問卷調查法進行。總計發出300 份問卷,有效問卷為291 份, 並以獨立樣本t 檢定、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA) 進行資料分析。研究結果發現:有相關學科背景與沒有此種背景的自然與生活科技領域教師比例約為四比六。教師對科普教材選用時的各項決策準據構面的重視情形依序為「教學使用方面」、「內容主題方面」、「學生學習方面」、「分段能力指標」。教師對科普教材選用的各項決策準據均視為重要考量因素,因此,各準據間的平均分數差異不大。得分最高的七項為:「科學概念的正確性」、「科學概念清楚表達」、「運用後能達到教學目標」、「教師方便使用補充教材」、「學生感興趣的主題」、「符合兒童閱讀理解能力」、「符合時代新知」;以上是教師選用時的重要準據。本研究結果發現不同背景變項的教師在決策準據的構面上,只有不同大學畢業科系上呈現顯著差異。最後依據研究結論,對教師、行政機關與出版業界提出建議。 This study aims to learn the evaluation factors that teachers use for selecting popular science materials, and to analyze demographic variables and related experience variables whether make differce while teachers selections of popular science materials. The objects of the study are the science and technology teachers in Yunlin, Chiayi City and Chiayi County. The data is collected from a questionnaire survey with a stratified sampling. 300 questionnaires are issued and the valid questionnaires are 291. Data is analyzed with independent-sample t-test, chi-square test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of this study: 1. The teachers with scientific background are about 60 percent. The rest of the teachers have no scientific background. 2. The dimensions influencing the teachers’selections for popular science supplementary materials are as follow in order of importance: the continence of use, topics, students’ learning background, and official competence indicators. 3. Each evaluation factor is regarded as important considerations. There are no obvious differences among these evaluation factors. The top seven factors are as follows: .Correctness of scientific concepts Precise scientific expressions .Teaching objectives .Convenience for teachers to use .Students’ interests .Students’ reading comprehension .New knowledge 4. The results of this study found that teachers with different background variables show no significant differences. There are only some significant differences on the teachers with different majors. Finally, according to the study results, this study proposes the conclusions and suggestions to the educational administration authorities, the schools, and the future studies as references.