在日趨視覺圖像化的社會型態影響下,插畫應用範圍與繪圖方式也隨時代科技日趨廣闊,跳脫單一創作手法,使插畫具有獨特強烈的視覺語言風格,豐富且多元化的構成,更是廣泛運用在表達奇幻文學書籍封面設計上,透過插畫的表現手法更能傳遞作者想表達的世界。本研究目的欲瞭解奇幻文學書籍的插畫封面設計,先蒐集相關文獻與樣本,以內容分析法編列樣本圖像後分析樣本封面設計之構成與編排,再個別採取樣本中的奇幻插畫圖像及元素,推論出最常被使用在奇幻文學書籍封面設計上的奇幻插畫圖像、奇幻元素及編排方式,以瞭解奇幻書籍封面設計所帶給閱讀者的視覺感受,本研究使用內容分析法解析研究樣本,欲探究奇幻文學書籍封面的插畫圖像所蘊藏意涵;研究結果發現,富有簡潔明瞭具有傳達訊息功能的奇幻文學書籍封面插畫設計,會以主角或與主角有著群體、對立等重要關係的人事物為主,基本上是以書籍內容所提及的一段內文作為插畫設計編排,而較無法傳達訊息的插畫封面設計即是以多元素的插畫圖像為主,甚至是以抽像化等形式作為奇幻文學書籍封面設計編排;期許此研究結果能提供給出版業者新思路與提供書籍封面設計人員作參考。 When graphics become a kind of social form, in the resultant impact, its scope of application and methods of making drawings will become more extensive, following the advances in technological development. A single innovation of drawing, however, is rarely seen. Graphics have a unique and powerful visual ‘language’ style; its composition is abundant and complex, and it has often been used on the cover designs for books dealing with fantasy literature. Its modes of expression have transformed the world of the painter and it offers the scope of greater expression in regard to what the artist wants to say. This study aims to understand the performing method of graphics on the cover design of fantasy literature books. Firstly, related literatures and samplings were collected; they were analyzed by using Content analysis in order to determine whether or not the design composition and editing as well as the functions of the design can convey the intended messages. The results showed that if the main role of the story or its relevant groups or opposing characters can transmit a simple and clear message, then they would comprise the significant design of the cover. In principle, part of the contents will be taken as the main editing, even if the cover design is based on multiple factors or is in an abstract form which cannot convey the message to the readers. It is hoped that the conclusions can provide reference, as a new idea,for the cover designers of the publishing companies for the fantasy literature books.