前衛藝術脫離純粹美學與「手製」領域,強調藝術藉由語言揭露並建構現實。當代藝術創作的形式沒有所謂統一的風格,不僅創作手法多元混雜,可用來創作的媒材也是包羅萬象,「多元、去中心化」是後前衛藝術的最大特徵。資本主義將人際關係幾乎變成標準化的人工製品,尼可拉.布希歐(Nicolas Bourriaud)所提出的關係美學(Relational Aesthetics)認為藉由藝術可以避免資本社會中商業化的可預期性,若藝術能夠探討人與人之間的關係縫隙和社會本質,人們便能學著用更好的方式生活於世界。都市發展使密集的人群產生連結性的藝術實踐,以大眾所能理解的基底為主所產生互動、貼近使用者的關係藝術應運而生。藝術不再被限制於精英的小眾,隨機、暫時的藝術社群以各種關係的交集組成。關係拉近藝術與人群,以涉入或改善現實生活為主的對話、參與、議題式的創作類型,對於將藝術的空間場域延伸至群眾生活領域的公共藝術有深遠影響。本文以文獻分析法研究從前衛藝術到新類型公共藝術創作形式的傳承與轉變,並從中探討這段期間藝術與生活之間關係的演變與發展。研究目的在於研究新類型公共藝術發展的歷史脈絡,並尋求其在藝術上的合理性。 Avant-garde art departs from pure and “hand-made” aesthetics, it emphasizes that art expresses and builds reality by languages. There is no unified style in the forms of contemporary artistic creation, the techniques are diverse and the media is all-embracing. “Diversity and decentralization” are the most significant characteristics of Post Avant-garde. As capitalism has turned interpersonal relations into standardized artifacts, according to Nicolas Bourriaud’s Relational Asthetics, he believed that art could prevent the predictability of commercialization in capitalist societies. If art can examine the relation gaps and nature of societies between human beings, people may learn a better way to live in the world. Urban development enables the crowd’s art practices to be connected, and Relational Aesthetics, which is understandable, interactive and close to the users, is emerged. Art is no longer limited to the minority elite, random and temporary artistic groups are formed based on various kinds of relations. Relations make arts and people closer, and conversations, participation and issues related to or improving real life, will have a profound effect to public art by extending artistic spaces to people’s life. The method of Literature Review is adopted in this essay to analyze the inheritance and transformation of creation styles from Avant-garde art to New Genre Public Art, and to investigate the evolution and development of the relation between arts and life during this period. The Objective of this research is to study the history of New Genre Public Art and discover its rationality in the arts.