摘要: | 從民國79年開始的台灣燈會活動,每年都為舉辦縣市帶來龐大的觀光人潮與經濟收益。透過節慶活動觀光化、產品化與國際化,也為台灣的觀光產值及國際知名度帶來極大的效益,使台灣燈會成為國際知名的國家級觀光節慶活動。為使創作者、欣賞者與評審對花燈作品的優劣有參考性的指標可循,本研究從評審的觀點建構花燈作品的評分指標,以供參考。 本研究結合兩種研究方法,一是層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP),另一是專家判斷法。依據台灣燈會花燈競賽評分標準,自編調查問卷,作為資料收集的工具。 根據30位台灣燈會花燈競賽評審專家的意見,主要研究發現如下:1.台灣燈會花燈作品的評分指標第一層級構面中,依重要性順序排列為「整體效果」、「造型」、「創意」、「技巧」、「燈光」、「色彩」,這個結果顯示花燈競賽中評審對於作品第一印象所呈現出的整體效果之重視。2. 針對第二層22個子構面中,較重要的的前八項排名依序為「呈現美感的意象」、「吸引人的亮點」、「兼具日間及夜晚展現之效果」、「造型力求細膩精緻、栩栩如生、神氣活現」、「能跳脫傳統展現創新」、「主題設計要有故事性且寓意雋永」、「作品透光要均勻注重光線擴散的美感」、「作品佈局要有層次感」,值得關注的是前八項排名中有5個子構面是屬於第一層級「整體效果」的構面,也呼應了『沒有整體,局部再美也是枉然』的說法,因此,在花燈競賽場中,作品要能脫穎而出,就必須格外重視整體效果的呈現。 Since 1990, the annual Taiwan Lantern Festival always brings a huge amount of people and economic income for the hosting cities or counties. By tourist-orienting, productizing, and internationalizing the activities of the festival, Taiwan’s tourism output value and national visibility are brought with massive benefit and making the Taiwan Lantern Festival becomes a world famous national tourism festival. In order to make both the designers and the appreciators to have a standard criterion to follow while watching a lantern, this research see at the point of view of commenting the a lantern and construct such a standard criterion as a reference. This research combines two methods, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the Experts’ Judgment. According to the scoring standards of Taiwan Lantern Festival, we have edited a questionnaire to collect data. Advised from 30 of the judges and experts of Taiwan Lantern Festival, here are the major observation and discovery:1. In the first level of judging the Taiwan Lantern Festival’s lanterns, the importance of certain elements are listed in priority as the overall effects, modeling, creativity, lights, and colors. The outcome shows that the judges pay very much attention to the first impact caused by the overall effects.2. Regarding the 22 sub elements of the second level, 8 of them are of more importance and listed as showing the sense of beauty, attractive highlights, having both effects of exhibited at day and night, modeling with exquisite details and lively, creativity out of the box of tradition, having story and eternal fable of the topic, the transmittance of the lantern should be uniformed and the beauty of lights, and the layering of the settings. What is worth noticing is that 5 of the 8 sub elements are from the overall effects of the first level, and also supports the saying, “There is no use of partial beauty, if without the overall setting.” As a result, in the field of the lanterns, works should be paid much attention to the overall effects, if it is wanted to be outstanding. |