摘要: | 「台灣文學」於八○年代獲得正名,九○年代成為學術研究的風潮,近年來,台灣文學已受到研究者的重視。學者們也開始研究台灣區域文學這個領域,台灣各地區域文學的研究史料,將成為建構台灣文學史的資料,雲林地區小說之研究即屬於區域文學研究的一部分。收集雲林地區小說的作家、作品資料,提供雲林文學史的研究材料,便是身為雲林子弟的我研究的目標。基於此研究目標,本論文即採文獻分析法、歷史研究法及田野調查法,著手研究。 1920 年代臺灣新文學開始萌芽,第一篇小說謝春木的〈她往何處去〉發表後,台灣小說從此出發,一路發展,歷經各年代,作品相當多元。本論文先蒐集日治時期、戰後(1945 年)至今台灣小說的相關著作,整理出台灣小說的發展脈絡,梳理出雲林小說的樣貌。接著介紹二十八位雲林小說作家「蔡秋桐、林萬舉、毛文昌(江楓)、彭徐(彭竹予)、陳碧奎、許安靜、蔡賢書(大漠、漠漠)、陳嘉欣(司農欣)、張清海(張清清)、丁耀林、黎明(廖本郎)、顏敏雄(顏以潔)、陳忠信(古榕蔭)、李瑞月(季季)、鄭豐喜、陳慶隆、沈文台(江銘)、林雙不、鄭清榮、林日揚(古蒙仁)、宋澤萊、蘇進強(履彊)、廖光賢、吳麗櫻(吳櫻)、吳碧芳、廖韻芳、鄭寶娟、鍾文音」的生平背景、相關作品,歸納出雲林小說作家的貢獻與成就。 作家的每一篇作品都是內在靈魂與外在現實的對話,或抒發其思想上的困頓、或表達其政治上的挫折,都有其時代意義。本論文另一個研究重點,是透過分析二十八位雲林小說作家之作品,歸納整理出雲林地區小說的時代意義(嘲諷抗日與心酸歲月、反共文藝與勵志文學、鄉土視野與社會寫實、政治關懷與農民運動)。 本論文的寫作目的:一面在發現雲林小說作家的成就與貢獻,一面是整理雲林小說的時代意義。期許此發現與整理能供後續研究者參考,也為雲林文學研究盡些微薄之力。 The purpose of this thesis is to discover contributions and accomplishments of Yunlin writers, thus to conclude the position of Yunlin County in different periods. The thesis adopted Literature Analysis, Historical Research Method and Field Study for research. First, the writings in the Japanese Colonial Era and post-WWII (from B.C. 1945) were collected to conclude the history of Taiwanese literature, and the styles of Yunlin writings were arranged with the data of Taiwanese literature. Second, the life, writings, contributions and accomplishments of 28 Yunlin writers were introduced. The writers selected in this thesis are Cai Qiu-tong, Lin Won-ju, Mao Wen-chan (Jian Fong), Peng Hsu (Peng Chu-yu), Chen Bi-kuei, Hsu An-chin, Tsai Shen-su (Da Mo, Mo Mo), Chen Chia-shin (Si Long-shin), Chang Chin-hai (Chang Chin-chin), Ting Yao-lin, Li Ming (Liao Ben-lan), Yen Min-shiou (Yen Yi-chie), Chen Chong-shin (Gu Rong-yin), Lee Rei-yue (Chi Chi), Cheng Fong-shi), Chen Chin-long, Shen Wen-tai (Jiang Ming), Lin Suang-bu, Cheng Chin-rong, Lin Ze-yang (Gu Meng-ren), Song Ze0lai, Su Chin-chiang (Liu Chiang), Liao Guan-shien, Wu Li-ying (Wu Ying), Wu Bi-fang, Liao Yun-fang, Chen Bao-chuan, Zong Wen-yin. Third, the position and meanings of Yunlin writings for different purposes (the expression of the sadness in anti-Japanese government, anti-communist party, the local vision and reality of the society, and the political care and peasant movement) was concluded through writings of the 28 Yunlin writers. The term “Taiwanese literature” was brought out and emphasized until the 1980s. Later on, Taiwanese literature has become an important research topic in academic field. With the efforts of scholars all over Taiwan, the research results for different regions and periods help the island to construct the data for Taiwanese literature. Yunlin writings are part of Taiwanese literature. As a Yunlin citizen, I believe I need to do some research on the local writers and writings of Yunlin and construct more data about literature for my hometown. In 1920, the first writing “Where did she go?” was published by Hsieh Chun-mu. It was the times when Taiwanese started. After that, Taiwanese literature has become diverse under different periods, showing its creativity. With the contributions of the 30 Yunlin writers listed above, the styles of Yunlin writings were diverse as well. It is believed that every writing is a conversation between the soul of the writer and the reality of the outside world, and the outlet for frustration both in politics and thoughts. It is hoped this thesis can be a further reference for future researchers, who can contribute to Yunlin literature as well. |