摘要: | 本研究旨在探究以繪本應用於國小二年級生命教育課程的實施歷程與成效,並了解教師在教學歷程中所遭遇的問題與因應策略。 本研究採行動研究法,以「生命教育」為核心概念,規劃「人與自己」、「人與他人」及「人與環境」三大單元,進行為期八週的教學活動。研究觀察對象為嘉義縣楓樹林國中小(化名)二年級學生,透過分享討論、學習單、教室觀察、教學省思、學生作品記錄單、學生訪談及家長回饋單、科任老師回饋單等質化方式蒐集多元資料,並予以分析與討論。 研究結果歸納如下:壹、生命教育繪本的實施與教學方面一、生命教育繪本教學獲得學生喜愛和家長肯定,足見繪本是應用於本班生命教育的極佳媒介。二、多元課程設計能提升學生的學習興趣,善用體驗活動與短片欣賞,能引起學生共鳴。三、規劃周延課程、結合家長資源、善用同儕影響力,能提升學生的學習成效。四、生命教育繪本教學過程中,教師不僅專業能力提升,對於生命教育亦有更深入的體認。貳、生命教育課程對學生的影響一、形塑學生樂觀開朗、積極進取的性格。二、能以「同理心」尊重和關懷周遭的人、事、物。三、能接納不同的意見,與他人隨和互動。四、明白人類與大自然共生共存、相互依存的關係。參、生命教育繪本教學過程中所遭遇的問題與因應之道一、課程設計務必以學生身心發展為著眼點,教師需不斷精進專業能力。二、除了完善的軟體課程,舒適的硬體環境亦不可忽視。三、避免「社會期望」的回答,鼓勵學生勇於發表自己的感受。四、善加引導動態活動,確實掌握教學目標,避免流於嬉戲。五、老師與家長應密切配合,把握隨機教育的機會,增進生活中的實踐。 最後,研究者根據本研究結論對教師進行生命教育及未來研究提出相關的建議。 This study investigated the implementation history and outcome of life education courses for second-grade students in an elementary school. In addition, we identified the problems and coping strategies teachers encountered during the teaching process. In this study, we adopted the action research method. Based on the core concept of life education, we planned three units on people and self, people and others, and people and the environment, and conducted an 8-week education activity. The participants were second-grade students from the Fong Shu Lin (pseudonym) elementary and junior high school in Chiayi County, Taiwan. A diverse set of data collection approaches (i.e., sharing and discussion, learning sheets, classroom observation, reflection on teaching, student work record sheets, student interviews, parent feedback forms, subject teacher feedback forms) were adopted, and the data were analyzed and investigated. The research results are summarized as follows: (a) The practice of teaching using life-education picture books1. Teaching by using life-education picture books was highly accepted and recognized by the students and parents; therefore, applying the medium of picture books in the life education course taught in this class was an excellent method.2. The diverse course design increased the students’ interest in learning, and the use of experiential activities and videos elicited positive responses among the students.3. Student learning effectiveness can be enhanced by planning comprehensive courses, integrating parental resources, and employing peer influence.4. The process of teaching by using life-education picture books not only increased the teachers’ professional ability, but also provided them with in-depth understanding of life education.(b) The influence of life education on students1. The life education courses shaped students to become optimistic, joyful, and active.2. The students learned to respect and care for people, matters, and objects around them with empathy. 3. The students learned to accept diverse opinions and interacted with others amiably.4. The students learned to understand the coexistent, interdependent relationship between humans and nature.(c) The problems and coping strategies involved in the educational process of teaching with life-education picture books 1. The course design must focus on students’ physical and mental development and the teachers must improve their professional competence persistently. 2. In addition to comprehensive course content, a comfortable environment must be established.3. The teachers should encourage the students to express their feelings and avoid answers that merely satisfy social expectations.4. The teachers should guide the dynamic activity, understand the educational objectives, and prevent the activity from becoming a game.5. The teachers and parents should cooperate closely to provide educational opportunities for the students and increase real life practice. Finally, based on the conclusion of this study we propose relevant suggestions for teachers teaching life education and for future research. |