本研究乃是了解國小學童在學習並參與舞獅過程中遇到的障礙,其有些障礙對於休閒效益上是如何變化,這些的變化對其往後參與舞獅練習有何影響?從中了解國小舞獅參與者障礙因素在休閒效益與幸福感的現況,並探討國小舞獅參與者不同障礙因素與在休閒效益、幸福感變項之間的關係。有367位國小舞獅參與者協助本研究,其中男女比例為5.9:4.1,平均年齡為11.45歲。研究工具為障礙因素、休閒效益與幸福感量表。所得資料以描述性統計等統計方法進行分析。本研究所得結果如下:(一)國小舞獅參與者的整體休閒效益是屬於偏高的情形,幸福感的狀況是屬於中等偏高的程度,障礙因素的困難程度和克服程度屬於中程度。主要的障礙因素為「身體狀況」。(二)國小舞獅參與者在不同障礙因素下影響休閒效益上達到顯著相關。(三)障礙因素、休閒效益障礙因素與幸福感有顯著正相關存在。(四)經迴歸分析發現:障礙因素、休閒效益、對於幸福感最具有解釋力。 The purpose of the study was aimed to present current situation of barriers in leisure benefits and well-being among elementary school students who take part in lion dacing team. It also involved the relationship between several different barriers and variables of leisure benefits and well-being. The data were collected from questionnaires of 367 elementary school dancing lion participants with a male: female ratio of 5.9:4.1 and an average of 11.45. The research tools inclouded Barrier Scale, Leisure Benefits Scale and Well-being Scale. The data was analyzed by statistical methods like Discriptive Statistics and Stepwise Regression Analysis. The findings concluded were:1.The leisure benefits of elementary school dancing lion participants were high, the well-being were medium high, the difficulty and overcome were medium.The main barrier was “physical condition”.2.Different barriers were significantly related to leisure benefits.3.Barriers and barriers of leisure benefits were significantly positively related to well-being.4.After Stepwise Regression Analysis, barriers and leisure benefits had the most complete interpretation toward well-being.