近年來網際網路的快速發展,已成為國人消費的主要途徑。愈來愈多的企業透過網際網路尋找商機,而為了能在此競爭市場永續經營,如何讓顧客有意願消費便成為購物網站的重要議題。 本研究目的旨在探討網路消費者在網路購買服飾時,品牌形象是否透過知覺價值影響購買意願,品牌信任是否透過知覺價值影響購買意願,另外,消費者的知覺風險是否會對知覺價值與購買意願具有干擾效果。 研究樣本為有網購服飾經驗的消費者。本研究採用李克特(Likert)之七點尺度量表做為問卷調查資料,並發出608份問卷,有效問卷為495份,有效問卷回收率為81%。研究結果顯示:1.品牌形象對購買意願有顯著影響。2.品牌形象對知覺價值有顯著影響。3.品牌信任對購買意願有顯著影響。4.品牌信任對知覺價值有顯著影響。5.知覺價值對購買意願有顯著影響。6.知覺風險對購買意願無顯著影響。7.知覺價值在品牌形象與購買意願之間具有中介效果。8.知覺價值在品牌信任與購買意願之間具有中介效果。9.知覺風險在知覺價值與購買意願之間不具干擾效果。 Recent years, internet is used as the major channel for shopping due to its dramatic growth. More and more companies try to explore the business opportunity by using internet to the purpose of sustainable development. Therefore, how to enhance the consumers’ willing by using online shopping network will be an important issue for the online sellers. This study discusses the mediating effect on perceived value between brand image, purchase intention; the mediating effect on perceived value between brand trust and purchase intention, and the moderating effects on perceived risk between perceived value and purchase intention when people shop clothes products via internet. The study sample is the consumers who purchase clothes products through the internet. The study adopts Likert seven-point scale as the data source of questionnaire, and dispatched 608 copies of questionnaires, and 495 copies were valid. The effective response rate is 81%. The result of this study were:1.Brand image has significant influence on purchase intension.2.Brand image has significant influence on perceptive value.3.Brand trust has significant influence on purchase intension.4.Brand trust has significant influence on perceptive value.5.Perceptive value has significant influence on purchase intension.6.Perceptive risk has not influence on purchase intension.7.Perceptive value provides a mediating effect between brand image and purchase intention.8.Perceptive value provides a mediating effect between brand trust and purchase intention.9.Perceptive risk does not provide any moderating effect between perceptive value and purchase intention.