自志願服務法頒佈後,各級政府開始對志工運用單位進行績效評鑑,期透過評鑑以提升志願服務品質。但由於此一評鑑制度係自由參與並無強制性,經常會有參與評鑑的單位少,只要參加評鑑就能得獎接受表揚的情形,評鑑目的是否能達到、對志願服務的績效區辨能力是否能呈現,令人質疑。 為了解上述現象,本研究擬定了:1.志工運用單位參與複評的影響因素?2.評鑑方式及內容,與實際的志願服務執行績效是否相契合?3.提高志願服務品質有哪些適宜的機制/措施等3個研究問題,並藉由深度訪談、田野觀察、檔案資料彙整等質性研究方法,以瞭解當前志願服務評鑑的癥結。主要研究發現有2:1.組織規模、人力、經費、能力,對評鑑的態度與認同感,係影響志工運用單位參與複評的因素。2.由於評鑑係以書面審閱為主,加上評鑑時間短,且以量化資料為主,忽略了志願服務質性層面的績效,造成運用單位的實質執行績效,無法透過評鑑來充分顯現。 基於上述研究結果,本研究建議志願服務主管機關,應回歸至志願服務法的基本精神─高度自治低度管理;宜降低當前繁瑣的志願服務評鑑方式及內容,改以實地查訪或者巡迴輔導方式,多呈現志願服務的質性成效,如此才能真正地落實志願服務法立法之良善美意。 Since the enactment of Regulations on Encouragement of Volunteering the local governments have been assessing the performance of the volunteering in order to promote its quality. Due to the fact that such assessment systems are not mandatory, there exist two situations. First, few local governments are willing to participate in the assessments. Second, if they do so, they will get awarded. It’s doubtful whether the purposes of these assessments or the ability to distinguish the volunteering can be achieved. With an eye to analyzing the phenomena mentioned above, the research hypothesizes three research questions: 1. What are the factors which influence the local governments to make assessments? 2. Do the methods and contents about the assessments match the practical performance of volunteering? 3. Are there any appropriate mechanisms or measures which can be taken to enhance the quality of volunteer services? This research uses such qualitative research methods as in-depth interviews, field observations and data collections to explore the real problems of the current assessments of volunteering.There are two major results:1. The factors influencing the local governments to assess the volunteering include the scale of the organization, the human resources, the finance, the ability, their attitude towards the assessments and the recognition of assessments. 2. Due to the facts that the assessment is the paperwork based on the quantitative data collected in a very short period of time and that the neglecting of qualitative performances, the practical performances of the institutions which utilize the volunteering services fail to be manifested. According to the research results, the researcher suggests the relevant institutions return to the basic spirit of Regulations on Encouragement of Volunteering namely, more autonomy and less management. Furthermore, the complicated assessment methods and contents applied currently should be replaced with field examinations or itinerant counseling methods to indicate more qualitative performances of volunteering Only by this way can the good mind of Regulations on Encouragement of Volunteering be fulfilled.