本論文研究電影《楚門的世界》中的慾望、商業體系、伊底帕斯情結、監視系統,以及在好萊屋電影裡所呈現的數位化環境變異空間下,監視系統干預私領域之研究,涵蓋範圍從開放的鏡頭到個人絕對的私領域,並涉及無所不在的商業生活世界。 而電影《駭客任務》中則呈現了涵蓋哲學、宗教、神話及靈魂的型體空間…等論述內容,與電子數位虛擬實境所產生的真實與虛幻,相互形塑下所呈現的環境空間。 《楚門的世界》探討數位化環境變異下所建構的監視系統,而電影《駭客任務》則討論了數位化環境變異下,真實與虛幻中意義的感知,以及靈魂的形體空間,期望藉由本論文解析兩部電影中的環境空間,在不同的數位化環境變異下主角所呈現的創造轉化過程並比較其當中之異同。 This study focus on the desires, commercial systems, Oedipal complex, and monitoring systems of the film 《The Truman Show》. It includes the private areas which are interfered by monitoring systems in the environments of Hollywood. It ranges from open lens to absolute private territories and ubiquitous commercial lives in the world. The movie《The Matrix》 shows philosophies, religions, myths and forms of soul issues. It makes a true and illusory circumstance with digital virtual realities In the film 《The Truman Show》, it discusses about monitoring systems , which are constructed by the changes in digital environments. Moreover, the movie《The Matrix》is studied the meaningful feelings between realities and vanities and the shapes of soul. This paper is of great significance in analyzing the environment spaces in these two films which are in different digital conditions and comparing with the similarities and differences of the leading characters’ transforming process.