臺灣地區自產能源相當匱乏,超過98%的能源來自國外進口,因此積極發展自主化之能源產業,實為當務之急。目前台灣發電以火力及核能為主,但在2011年日本發生福島核電廠輻射外洩事件,世界各國莫不重新檢討核能政策與既有核能電廠安全。在台灣反核聲浪高漲,想要享受廉價的電力又不想興建核能電廠,唯一的方法就是找尋替代能源,太陽能乾淨、低污染,取得方便,來源不慮匱乏,是值得發展的替代能源。 本研究主要在於探討嘉義縣大有國小實施太陽光電推動能源教育之成效,以教師、學生及裕民村社區居民為對象進行訪談,針對推動太陽光電教學的成效及學校推動成果進行分析討論。 研究結果如下:教師及學生對於太陽光電融入教學進行能源教育,以實作方式讓學生明白太陽能發電的原理與過程,認為成效良好。社區居民也認同學校設置太陽能板後,夜間的光雕讓校園變得更安全,對於學校與社區間的互動有所助益。 Natural energy in Taiwan is quite scarce, more than 98% of used energy is imported from foreign countries. Therefore, the positive development of theautonomous energy industry is indeed imperative. At present, Taiwan's energy policies are dominated by thermal power plants and nuclear. But after the leak incident of Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plants in 2011, the whole world started to review nuclear energy policy and pay more attention on the security of existing nuclear power plants. Antinuclear is a major trend in Taiwan, if people want to enjoy cheap electricityand do not want to build nuclear power plants, the only way is to look for alternative sources of energy. Solar energy is clean, low pollution, easy to obtain, and the source is endless, which is worth to be developed as an alternative energy. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of promoting energy education through solar practical teaching in Da Yo elementary school. With teachers, students and community residents of Yumin Village were interviewed for this object, and the results of it has been discussed and analyzed. The results are as following:Teachers and students believed that solar practical teaching helps students to understand well of the principles and processes of solar power. Besides, the students' idea of environmental education has upgraded. And the community residents also agree that the campus became safer at night after setting up the solar panels and light sculptures, which has improved the interaction between the school and the community.