本研究主要以鬆筋保健消費者為研究對象,探討生活型態、服務品質、體驗價值與滿意度等變數之因果關係,以相關分析及迴歸法進行統計分析。研究結果發現:1.研究發現生活型態與服務品質對體驗價值及滿意度之間均有顯著相關 ; 2.生活型態及服務品質與體驗價值對滿意度的關聯性,發現生活型態及服務品質對體驗價值有正向影響、生活型態及服務品質對滿意度有正向影響、體驗價值對滿意度的顯著影響均得到支持;生活型態及服務品質皆透過體驗價值對滿意度有中介影響。 The study is mainly about loosening tendons of health care, discussing life style, quality of service, experience value and customer satisfaction by using correlation analysis and regression for statistical analysis. The results showed that: 1. The study found that lifestyle and quality of service are significantly related between experience value and customer satisfaction; 2. Relevance among life style, experience value, quality of service and customer satisfaction, which have positive impacts. The experience value significantly affects on customer satisfaction are supported. Therefore, life style and quality of service have neutral affects on customer satisfaction through experiential value.