本研究旨在探討陸客來台後南投縣觀光產業之政策行銷之現況及關係。 本研究採用質性研究法,藉由文獻分析及深度訪談來探究本文的研究問題。將政策行銷策略的組合要素:產品、價格、通路、促銷、夥伴及政策,作為分析南投縣觀光產業政策行銷的指標,來探究陸客來台後南投縣政府在政策行銷的相關作為。這是研究者經過文獻分析後,從行銷4Ps組合要素,到政策行銷6Ps,結合專家學者的論述,並加以修正成符合本研究的政策行銷6Ps理論論述。 根據陸客來台後南投縣提升觀光產業效益之政策行銷分析,進一步提出建議,以供政策執行機關參考。一、縣政府能夠推動觀光產業與文化產業相結合,開發文創產品。二、縣政府應該獎勵觀光業者建立自我品牌,引領風潮。三、開發「台灣好行」清境農場線的交通路線。四、獎勵青年返鄉就業,投入文創產業,活化在地文化。五、獎勵行銷南投的觀光政策,鼓勵知名導演到南投取景拍片。六、縣政府能夠促進觀光產業優質化,提升遊客滿意度與再遊意願。 This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the current situation and the policy marketing of Nantou County’s tourism industry after allowing mainland tourists to visiting Taiwan. Qualitative research methods were used through literature analysis and in-depth interviews for exploring research questions. There are six elements (6Ps) of policy marketing strategy: product, price, place, promotion, partnerships and policy. The 6Ps is the marketing policy indicators of mainland tourists visiting to Taiwan for analyzing the regarding actions of Taiwan’s Nantou County Government. The suggestions are as follows: 1.The county government can promote to combine the tourism industry and cultural industries ,and develop creative products. 2.The county government should reward for the tourism industry to establish its own brand,and lead the trend.3.To increase the " Taiwan trip" traffic routes of Chingjing farm.4. The reward is offered for the youth employment of the return home , to invest cultural and creative industries, and activate local culture.5. The reward markets for the tourism policy of Nantou and encourages the well-known film director to Nantou framing.6.The county government can promote the quality of the tourism industry to improve visitor satisfaction and willingness to travel again.