「想要改變世界,教育是最強而有力的武器。」這是南非總統2003年在約翰尼斯堡發表的演說,而教育的良窳則需仰賴良好政策的執行。台灣在2012年開始執行幼托整合政策的整合工作,幼托制度的設計主要是在於提升整體社會之成本效益,並同時可以減輕一般家庭負擔,並且避免政府財政負擔過重的問題。為達此目標,幼托整合的推行除了具有多元化的私立幼兒托育機構外,還需要逐步建立一個互利、共決、共享的公共幼托體系。藉以提供所有的幼兒都能享有同等的幼托品質,來滿足現代社會與家庭的幼托需求,以確保立案幼稚園、托兒所暨合格幼托人員之基本合法權益等,並整合運用國家資源,以健全學前幼托機構。 本文研究目的是為探尋幼托整合政策實施之後,作者在教育現場所面臨到的問題或影響,研究內容包括幼托整合新制與現況的探討,以及新制中幼生年齡層降低之探討,和幼托整合後增置師資人力及教師寒暑假休假所造成的問題。 "If you want to change the world, education is the most powerful weapon." This is the President of South Africa addressed a speech in Johannesburg in 2003. Whether education system is superiority or inferiority in a country depends on the implementation of well-designed education policy. Preschool integration system has been announced and started since 2012 in Taiwan. This new preschool system is primarily designed to enhance the ratio of effectiveness to cost for the investment on the society. In addition, the policy is expected to relieve the burden of finance for an average family, and it can avoid the financial crisis of the government as well. To achieve this goal, the policy has to find a way to diversify the private preschool institution and gradually establish a public preschool system in which the interest, determination, and benefit are mutually shared. The policy is eventually to provide a preschool system that all children can enjoy the equal and high quality preschool institution, which is highly expected by parents and society. Furthermore, the policy integrates and utilizes the national resource not only to firmly establish preschool system, but also to ensure the legitimate rights belonging to registered private preschool institutions and its employees. The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation, problem and impact on the workplace after the newly-established policy has been implemented on the preschool system using a preschool institution in Nantou as an example. The study includes the investigation on the advantages and disadvantages of the new policy of the preschool system, the impact of reducing the entrance age in the new system on the preschool quality, problems on the needed addition of teachers, and difficulty on winter and summer vacations.