資訊技術發達與網路科技日新月異,帶動物流產業迅速蓬勃發展及資金流動多元化的日益成熟,其所能提供的交易服務品質更臻完善,企業應用網路行銷愈來愈普遍,消費大眾也愈來愈能接受網路購物的方式。台灣地區曾使用過網路的民眾已近1800萬,其使用的網路付費服務種類相對次數最多者即為「網路購物」,2013/1/15,阿里巴巴集團旗下的金流公司支付寶公布年度10大城市人均支出金額,嘉義市躍居第一名,嘉義地區人口雖少但消費力卻不容小覷,本研究目的為分析探討嘉義地區消費者對不同購物網站的滿意度與其再購買意願,期能幫助購物網路業者在擬定行銷策略時有所參考的依據。 本研究採量化──問卷調查法進行研究分析,所獲結果顯示:一、資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質與顧客滿意度之間均呈正向顯著輕度相關;與顧客再購買意願之間均呈正向顯著相關;顧客滿意度與顧客再購買意願之間亦呈正向顯著中度相關。二、嘉義地區消費者網路購物之差異情形:女性消費者於網路購物的意願比男性高;41歲(含)以上年齡層的消費者於網路購物的意願比較高,而25歲以下的年輕其網路購物的消費能力也不可小覷;一般的消費者對網路購物仍存在著某些疑慮與不確定感,不敢對單價高者或有較大金額的消費;居家用品類的網路接受度高。三、嘉義地區消費者對購物網站的資訊品質和系統品質滿意度較高,而服務品質方面的滿意度則有待加強;顧客再購買意願則在「普通」水準以上,「願意」水準以下,顯見網路購物業者對嘉義地區消費者的「吸引力」尚有待加強。 The development of technology of information and network grows rapidly, which leads to the rapid and successful growth in logistics industry diversification and sophisticated liquidity. The quality trading services provides more perfect , and more common business applications online marketing so the consumer public tends to accept the way of online shopping . Nearly 18 million people in Taiwan are internet users. Among them, the most used online service is "online shopping". 2013/1/15 , Announced by Alibaba Group's Alipay, Chiayi City becomes the first place of the company cash flow 10 cities per capita expenditure of the year. Despite the small population of Chiayi area, the consume power cannot be underestimated. This study aims to analyze the consumer satisfaction among their different shopping sites and the purchase intention in Chiayi area , hoping to help the shopping network operators in formulating marketing strategy basis. This study uses questionnaire to research and analysis, the obtained results quantifies that: 1. The information quality showed positive correlation between system quality, service quality and customer satisfaction ; and customers’ willing to buy showed a significant positive correlation between intention and customer satisfaction. 2. Differences of online shopping between consumers in Chiayi: The willing of online shopping in female consumers is higher than men’s ; The online shopping intention of the consumers around 41 years old (inclusive) above is relatively high, however, the online shopping power at the young age of 25 cannot be overlooked. There are still some doubts and uncertainties among ordinary consumers in online shopping , especially in the higher price or a larger amount of consumption. On the other hand, the acceptation in household items like network is high. 3. Consumers in Chiayi area have higher satisfaction in shopping site information quality and system quality, but satisfaction of service quality needs to be strengthened; the average of customer’s willingness to buy again lies in "ordinary" level a "willing" level , which shows that the consumers 'attraction' in Chiayi area’s shopping industry remains to be strengthened.