本研究之主要目的在於暸解雲林某重點升學高中學生網路使用現況,比較不同背景變項之高中學生網路成癮差異,並探究網路成癮高危險群在學業成績表現與身心健康狀態之關聯性。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以雲林某重點升學高中396學生為研究對象,使用基本資料調查表、中文網路成癮量表及一般身心健康狀態量表為研究工具實施檢測,並以敘述性統計、T檢定、Anova變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 所得結論:ㄧ、研究對象的網路使用行為與網路成癮現象具有顯著差異。網路成癮高危險群男性多於女性、二年級最多、上網頻率為每天使用、每次使用網路時間為1-3小時、以玩網路遊戲為主要動機。二、網路成癮高危險群的身心健康狀態及學業成績表現皆比非高危險群差,顯示網路成癮傾向對於身心健康狀態與學業成績是ㄧ個重要影響因素。 所提建議:一、家庭、學校、社會三合一策略,預防勝於治療。二、協助青少年自我認同發展、澄清是非價值觀念。三、學校發展多元豐富社團、行塑健全人格發展。四、幫助學生營造良好人際關係、杜絕虛擬網路世界。五、協助青少年妥善時間規劃學習、釐清生活目標重點。 The main purpose of this study is to understand the Internet addition of students in an academic-performance-oriented high school in Yunlin County. It examines the differences of the students with various background variables and investigates whether the academic performances of students in high-risk groups are related to their internet addition. The study conducted a survey among 369 students in a high school in Yunlin which focuses on academic performances, using questionnaires , “ the Internet Addition Survey in Chinese Version” , and “ General Physical and Mental Health Status Survey “ to investigate the correlation, and analyze the data with Descriptive statistics,T-test,and analysis of variance。 The result of the present study showed that there was a significant correlation between the frequency of internet browsing and the internet addition among the participants. Particularly in high-risk groups, male students outnumbered female ones with junior students accounting for a highest percentage. These junior students surfed internet 1-3 hours every day, mainly playing online games. Besides, both of their mental and physical health and academic performances were inferior to their counterparts. It indicated that internet addition constituted an influential factor on their general health and performances in school. Based on the study, the following recommendations call for action. Firstly, the cooperation between students’ families, school and society is indispensable. Secondly, helping students to develop self-esteem and clarifying their values are also good ways of precaution. Thirdly, diversified extracurricular activities in school can foster students to build up positive characters. Fourthly, well-grounded interpersonal relationships among peers provide a potential power for students to be able to disconnect with the virtual world. Fifthly, instructing students with how to schedule their learning and studying defines their current life goals so as to detain their internet addition.