由於傳統搜尋引擎使用關鍵字的搜尋方法,造成搜尋資訊的效能降低問題。而語意網技術(Semantic Web Technology)的發展,正是解決此一問題的最佳解答,其目的是希望經由電腦或軟體代理人(Software Agent)進行知識本體(Ontology)的判讀,以了解資料所代表的真正意涵,提升搜尋資料的正確性。 語意網技術的應用層面相當廣泛,本文則將其應用於國小自然科動物教學方面。雖然教育部推行「一綱多本」政策已逾十餘載,因此各校在各學習階段可能會使用不同版本的教科書,而各版本教科書內容不盡相同已屬常態,但其間卻又缺乏相互參照的資訊,致使學校在不同年級轉換教科書版本時,教師無法充分掌握學生的起點行為,而學生轉學或轉換教育階段時亦面臨課程銜接上的困難。為了解決此一問題,我們使用語意網技術建置出一個自然科動物教學的語意查詢系統 (Semantic Search System),期盼教師、學生或家長能透過此系統簡單的查詢操作介面,輕易且正確地取得符合教學及學習所需的參考資訊。 Since the traditional search engines use search method of the keywords, it results in the inefficiency of information search. Through computers or Software Agent to interpret the Ontology, Semantic Web Technology (SWT) is capable of advocating the accuracy while searching information on the Web. SWT is able to be used in various aspects. In this thesis, we apply SWT to the animal science instruction for elementary school. Although Ministry of Education has been promoting “One Guide-Multiple Textbooks” policy for a long period of time, there are various editions of textbooks for each subject. However, with different layouts and without any reference information, instructors have no idea what their students have learned and what they haven’t while switching textbooks form one edition to another. Also, students have difficulty in learning while transferring to another school or the other learning stages. To solve this problem, we use SWT to develop a Semantic Search System for the animals in Science instruction. The system provides teachers, students, or parents to get the accurate information of animals.