網際網路的發達,不但令網路購物興起,也讓購物模式產生另一種形式的革命。拍賣網站提供平台,讓買賣雙方在此平台上交易,經過不斷的改革與創新,加上網頁瀏覽的方便性,使得網路購物逐漸擴展其市佔率,有越來越多的消費者許則使用網路來購買商品。 本研究以雲林縣公立國中教師為研究對象,對於YAHOO!奇摩拍賣的使用狀況進行問卷調查,研究YAHOO!奇摩拍賣的使用者行為、對拍賣網站的信任度對於顧客滿意度關連性之研究。 本研究經由單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、迴歸分析(regression analysis)的檢測,結果發現教育程度、使用頻率、使用者行為以及信任度對與YAHOO!奇摩拍賣的滿意度皆有正向的影響。 The use of on-line auction has been turned into the most popular virtual shopping model due to the popularized informational technology and increase of the Internet users. The purpose of this study were to explore the relationship among using behavior, trust and satisfaction. The participants were public junior high schoolteachers in Yunlin County . The investigate with using behavior scale, turst scale and satisfaction scale as instruments. In this study, data was analyzed through scientific statisticl methods, including One -Way ANOVA and Regression Analysis. The findings suggest that education, using behavior,times the users use, trust have postive effect on satisfaction.