幼兒成長紀錄與幼兒保健一直都是父母所在意的事情,過去我們使用相機與錄影機來進行紀錄,並透過電腦來查詢幼兒保健的資訊。但這幾年來,因為智慧型手機的流行,逐漸取代過去的紀錄方式與查詢資料的方式。目前市面上已經有許多相關的APP,但是仍有些許的不足,主要有兩點問題:1. 目前現有的幼兒紀錄APP均是採用時間軸的方式來進行分類,如果時間拉長,將難以檢索到想要的紀錄。2. 目前現有的幼兒保健資訊相關的APP,提供醫療院所的部分是較為缺少的。因此本研究提出了改善方式:1. 使用社會性標記與位置資訊來改善幼兒成長紀錄分類的問題。2. 使用開放資料來做為父母的幼兒保健資訊的來源,並使用手機的位置資訊來協助篩選開放資料。 因此本研究提出使用開放資料、位置資訊與社會性標記來協助幼兒保健與成長紀錄的雛型行動APP系統,來作為幼兒保健與成長紀錄與幼兒保健相關APP的改善方向。 Growth Record and Child HealthCare of early childhood has been matter of concern for parents, The past we use the camera and video recorder to record, And using a computer to query health information of early childhood, But the past few years, smart phones generally,Gradually replace this manner, The currently on the market has similar APP, But still has some shortcomings:1. Currently on the market, Growth record related APP of early childhood are classified using the time for classification, Once lengthen the time it will be difficult to retrieve records.2. Currently on the market, Health information related APP, To provide information of medical institutions is less. Therefore, this study proposes:1. Using Social Tagging and location information improvement growth record classification problem.2. Using the Open Data as a source of information, and through Location information to help filter the data.