摘要: | 面對全球化競爭的來臨,父母普遍希望孩子能多元化的學習,而閱讀是一切學習的基礎,兒童雜誌是一種能提供孩子多方面學習的讀物,因此本研究旨在探討國小低年級學童家長訂購兒童雜誌的消費動機、內容需求及其他考量因素,並探究家長對孩童使用平板電腦閱讀兒童雜誌的科技接受度。本研究採問卷調查法,以雲林縣國小低年級家長為研究對象,共分發454份,回收之有效問卷為358份,有效回收率為78.9%。經統計分析結果,做出以下結論:1. 在兒童雜誌消費經驗現況部分,受訪者在訂閱兒童雜誌優先考量 類別以「綜合類」為最多,優先考量因素前三名分別為「孩子的興趣」、「內容的吸引力」、「具教育性」,訂購過的兒童雜誌以「小學生巧連智低年級版」最多,其次是「國語日報週刊」,主要決策者以「母親」最多,在續訂兒童雜誌時,則以「考量孩子的意願」為最多。2. 家長訂購兒童雜誌消費動機得分最高的是「多元能力」構面,而在兒童雜誌內容需求上,則以「生動有趣」最為重要,其次「有生活常規方面指導」、「內容淺顯易懂」。3. 國小低年級家長不同社經背景對於兒童雜誌消費動機之差異分析上,與學童不同之關係、家庭所得、低年級子女性別呈現顯著差異。4. 國小低年級家長不同社經背景對於兒童雜誌內容需求之差異分析上,與學童不同之關係、年齡、教育程度、職業、家庭所得及低年級子女性別呈現顯著差異。5. 國小低年級學童家長訂購兒童雜誌的消費動機與內容需求具有顯著相關,家長消費動機愈高,其對兒童雜誌內容的要求也愈高。6. 家長對孩童使用平板電腦閱讀兒童雜誌的科技接受度部分,知覺易用性與知覺有用性會正向影響使用態度,而知覺易用性對知覺有用性也有正向的影響。7. 對相關出版業者之建議,宜發行具多元化內容的「綜合性兒童雜誌」,題材應生動有趣,引發孩童閱讀興趣。面對數位化時代來臨,出版社規劃電子兒童雜誌時,應以操作介面簡單易學為首要考量,才能提高家長訂購電子兒童雜誌的意願。 With the more intensified global competition, it is every parent's wish for providing their children with a pluralistic learning environment. While reading has been regarded as the foundation of all learning, children magazines are an important type of reading materials facilitating diverse learning in children. The objective of this study is to investigate consumer motivation, learning requirement and other factors affecting the subscription of children magazine by parents of elementary schoollower grade students.The investigators also explored technological acceptance of parents on children reading children magazine using tablet computers. The study used questionnaire survey to collect data from parents of elementary school lower grade students in Yulin County. A total of 454 questionnaires were sent out, and 358 of them were returned and valid (valid response rate = 78.9%). The data were analyzed statistically, and the following conclusions were drawn based on the statistical results.1. For the current children magazine consumer experience, those comprehensive type of children magazines are prioritized by respondents for subscription, while the top three factors considered are children's interests, appealing contents, and educational orientation. The most commonly subscribed children magazine is Benesse Magazine for lower grade students, while the second popular one is Daily News. It is usually the mother making the decision on magazine subscription, while the decision on extending the subscription or not is mainly based on children's willingness.2. For consumer motivation, the highest rated aspect for subscribing children magazines by parents is the aspect of “pluralistic competence”. For the contents of children magazines, “lively and fun” is the most important consideration, followed by “giving instructions on daily routines” and “easy to understand”.3. For the effect of socioeconomic background of parents of elementary school lower grade students on children magazine consumer motivation, types of relationship with children, family income, and gender of low- grades students can lead to significantly different children magazine consumer motivation.4. For the effect of socioeconomic background of parents of elementary school lower grade students on needs for children magazine contents, types of relationship with children, age parents' education and occupation, family income, and gender of children can lead to significantly different needs for children magazine contents.5. For children magazine subscription, there is a significant correlation between consumer motivation and needs for magazine contents in parents of low- grades students. More specifically, a greater parental consumer motivation is associated with greater demands on children magazine contents.6. For parents' technological acceptance on letting children reading magazines using tablet computers, usefulness and usability can both positively affect user attitude. Usability also has a positive effect on usefulness.7. For publishers, it is recommended to provide a more comprehensive type of children magazines with pluralistic contents. To elicit reading, the topics should be lively and interesting. As we are entering into the digital age, publishers planning e-magazines for children need to make sure that the operational interface is easy to learn in order to increase parents' willingness for subscribing e-magazines for children. |