網路與資訊科技的發展改變了傳統學習方式,也創造出新的學習思維,學習者透過網路及電腦設備,可隨時參與學習。警察人員因工作性質及時間限制,有別於一般公務人員,無法有充裕的時間參與學習,而數位學習讓警察人員隨時隨地參與學習,用更短的時間,作最有效的學習,俾使警察人員更有充分的時間做好維護社會治安的工作。 本研究以整合性科技接受模式(UTAUT)為架構,探討警察人員學科常訓導入數位學習使用意圖之研究,以雲林縣警察局參加學科常訓學習者為樣本,進行問卷調查的量化研究。本研究主要探討影響警察人員學科常訓導入數位學習的相關因素分析,以及分析不同個人背景因素及學習經驗之警察人員對學科常訓導入數位學習之差異,藉以瞭解警察人員對於學科常訓導入數位學習之使用意圖。 本研究問卷施測時間2012年8月,總計發出1050份問卷,回收890份,共得有效問卷670份。研究結果發現,警察人員學科常訓導入數位學習之使用意圖,會受到「預期績效」、「預期付出」、「社會影響」、「促成條件」等因素之影響,其中又以「促成條件」影響最大。在調節變數方面,性別會影響「預期績效」、勤務屬性會影響「促成條件」對學科常訓導入數位學習之使用意圖。另職務配階及服務單位層級會影響「預期績效」、「預期付出」、「社會影響」、「促成條件」對學科常訓導入數位學習使用意圖。再則,使用學習經驗亦會影響「預期付出」、「社會影響」、「促成條件」對學科常訓導入數位學習之使用意圖。 The development of internet and information technology changes the ways of traditional learning. It also creates the new ways of learning. The learners can learn at any time any place through the internet. The police has no ample time to do the learning because of his job’s specific characteristics. However, the e-learning will fit the learning needs of police. Police can learn anytime and anywhere with the e-learing. And then, police will have more ample time to maintain social order. The goal of this study is to investigate the intention of police using the e-learning in their subject training based on the UTAUT model. This study proceeds the quantification research and the sample is the learners join subject training in Yun-lin County Police Department. This study confers the factors that influence police subject training lead-in digital learning, and analyze the difference of different background and learning experience policemen. It can help us to understand police’s needs of subject training lead-in digital learning. The result shows that the “behavior intention” of police subject training lead-in digital learning will be influenced by “performance expectancy”, “effort expectancy”, “social influence” and “facilitating conditions”. Among them, the “facilitating conditions” influences the most. In the moderators, the gender distinction interferences “performance expectancy”, the duty property interference “facilitating conditions” influencing “behavior intention” of police subject training lead-in digital learning. The duty rank and the units interference “performance expectancy”, “effort expectancy”, “social influences” and “facilitating conditions” influencing “behavior intention” of police subject training lead-in digital learning. Learning experience also interferences “effort expectancy”, “social influences” and “facilitating conditions” influencing “behavior intention” of police subject training lead-in e-learning.