摘要: | 高翥為南宋時期江湖派的詩人,詩史上多闕而寡談。高翥之詩雖非大家之流,但從其詩歌中,仍能反映出戰爭為百姓所帶來的苦難,從而對自身的際遇也深刻的抒發吟詠,真實呈現出時代的面貌。高翥在江湖詩派的幾位大家之中,其詩歌常常受到忽略,到目前為止,對於高翥的詩歌仍缺乏系統而全面性的研究,可謂是一種憾事。故本文選定高翥詩歌作為研究的主題,希冀為高翥其人及其詩歌研究作更加深入完整的探討。 本文以高翥詩歌為研究對象,探討其詩歌的內涵、創作特色與藝術技巧。文分六章,第一章說明研究動機目的、範圍的限制、方法步驟及前人文獻探討。第二章說明高翥的時代背景與生平、交遊網絡、文學背景與江湖派的淵源。第三章將高翥詩歌的內容分門別類,分為抒志寄情、吟詠自然及客居懷古來加以探討。第四章從小巧纖細、平淡真率及以俗為美探討高翥詩歌創作特色。第五章,探討高翥詩歌的藝術特色,從色彩鮮明、用典自然、對偶多樣及疊字妥貼四方面來論述。第六章結論,總結高翥詩歌的內涵與地位。 透過上述各章節的論述,想為高翥在江湖詩派中的定位與價值做出分析歸納。高翥終其一生,透過詩歌來表達家國之思、際遇感懷,不僅記錄了個人的生活,也反映了大時代的實相,凸顯出高翥對時代所做出的貢獻。 高翥透過其詩作記錄個人生活、心情,反映時代的真相,雖生不逢時,卻始終對恢復故土抱持著期待;雖懷才不遇,仍能潔身自愛,故讀其詩歌作品,便可見其對時代所做的貢獻;觀其行止,亦展現出中國文人處窮困時敦厚恬淡的文人風範。故本論文不僅對身處南宋國力衰微、屈辱求和氛圍下的高翥有較全面的認識,也肯定他行事高潔,能跳脫出大多數江湖詩人干謁的陋習,而成為江湖詩派中代表詩人之一。 Born in Southern Song Dynasty, Gao Zhi was always regarded as a poet of Chianghu school of poetry. Though his poems are not considered the literary works of main stream, they do reflect the suffering of people in war and his personal viewpoints of the time. Unfortunately, the poems of Gao Zhi are often neglected by the studies on Chianghu school poets in general. Therefore, this study adopts the poetry of Gao Zhi as the study subject to serve as a reference for future studies on the poet and his literary works. This study is aimed at exploring the nature, features, and aesthetic skills of Gao Zhi’s poems in six different chapters. The first chapter is concerning the study’s motivation, scope, limits, methods, and literature review, while the second chapter is regarding the poet’s background, interpersonal relationships, literary works, and relation with Chianghu school of poetry. The third chapter divides the poems of Gao Zhi into three types: personal feelings, nature, and traveling to discuss their contents, while the fourth chapter is concerning the characteristics of the poet’s literary creations: delicate, simple, and down-to-earth. The fifth chapter focuses on the aesthetic skills of Gao Zhi’s poems such as his colorful expressions, delicate citations, various couplets, and reduplications, while this study concludes the discussion concerning the nature and literature position of Gao Zhi’s poems in chapter six. In conclusion, this study tries to analyze the poet’s position and value in Chianghu school of poetry. It is discovered that Gao Zhi is a poet dedicated his lifetime to conveying the yearning for family and country, his personal feedback of life, and the illustrations of Southern Song Dynasty, which is also considered the poet’s contribution to the time. The poet keeps records of his personal life, feelings, and feedback of the time in the manner of poems. Though his talents are not appreciated by the emperor, the poet demonstrates his expectations of recovering the homeland in his poetry and holds the stance of integrity and humility in his daily life. Therefore, this study may serve as a source providing a better understanding of Southern Song Dynasty and Gao Zhi, whose characters are rarely seen among his fellow poets of Chianghu school of poetry. |