摘要: | 吉川幸次郎在《中國詩史》指出:「曹植詩中對友情的讚美可說是文學史上的創舉,友情成為此後中國詩中最重要的主題。」「友誼詩」既已是中國文學創作最重要的題材,但在臺灣文學上卻少見以友誼詩為範疇的研究。由於明鄭、清領臺灣至乙未割臺時間非常漫長,涵養了許多優秀的文人,積累十分豐碩的詩作,留下龐大的文學資料可供研究。本文以友誼為視點,以施懿琳教授等主編《全臺詩》中之友誼詩作,從明鄭時期至清領時期之詩歌為研究範圍。透過懸念家國、切磋砥礪、喜慶酬唱、遊觀玩賞、送別懷念、弔唁哀思等面向對文本研究分析,從詩人的生平際遇、時代背景剖析詩人以詩傳達友情的動機與心境,賞析其詩篇意旨。同時,也藉此研究使臺灣的古典文學能更深入大家的生活中,進而被大眾所接受喜愛,為臺灣古典文學研究盡一己綿薄的心力。 本論文分為八章,第一章為緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法、前人的研究成果之探討;第二章為「懸念家國」,與朋友互訴對家園的思念、黍離之悲、緬懷故國的詩作;第三章為「切磋砥礪」,與朋友互相勸勉、勵德勵行的作品;第四章為「喜慶酬唱」,因喜事與朋友相互祝賀,以詩酬贈唱和;第五章為「遊觀玩賞」,記錄與朋友遊歷的詩作;第六章為「送別懷念」,與朋友別離、思念朋友等相關詩作;第七章為「弔唁哀思」,悼念友人逝世之詩,或因友人的家人去世而表示慰問之詩;第八章為結論,為本論文作總結,以二、三、四、五、六、七章為基礎,歸納出《全臺詩》中「友誼詩」所做的貢獻及其存在價值。 “The friendship began to be the most important theme in Chinese poetry since Tsao, Chih’s extolled the value of friendship in his poems”said Yoshikawa Koujirou in the book of 《The Chinese poem history》.Though friendship poetry is the most important subject in Chinese literature, there are limited researches on the field in Taiwan literature. Since the long period from Ming-Zheng to Japanese-occupied period, a large quantity of poems were left as a rich data. This thesis , based on the friendship poetry of 《Chuan Tai Shi》 by Professor Shi, Yi-lin , provides the in-depth observation on the motive and the mental state of the poets through six different facets when they conveyed their friendship through poems. It is hoped that through the research the Taiwanese classical literature can go deeply into the locals’ life, and furthermore to be accepted and loved by the locals. This thesis consists of eight chapters . The first chapter is the introduction that interprets the motivation and the purpose , the range and the method of study , and the research of some of the achievements of our predecessors as well . In Chapter two, the theme of the poems is “ the longing for the homeland”, the poets express themselves to each other about their love and longings for the homeland. In Chapter Three, the poems are used as the encouragement for stimulating morals between friends. In Chapter Four, the poems are presents for friends on joyous events. The Chapter Five deals with the theme of travel, basically the poems are the notes while travelling with friends. The Chapter Six includes the farewell poems, the poets express their sadness and loneliness when separation from friends. In Chapter Seven, the poets show their condolences on their friends’ death in the poems. The Chapter Eight is the conclusion , and it set the result for the thesis . It is based on the chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to generalize of its existence value and contribution that the friendship poetry in《Chuan Tai Shi》. |