摘要: | 北港-十六、十七世紀臺灣海域的知名港口。人文薈萃極其早矣!道光十九年已有由笨港士紳蔡慶麟、蔡慶輝等集資創辦的「聚奎閣」,是青年學子最佳修習場所,所聘師資均為一時之選,故栽培進士、解元、廩生、庠生、貢生之人數曾居全縣之冠 。因此笨港地區的文風大為提昇。但自聚奎閣社學以下,致力保存斯文,倍感艱辛。而日人統治臺灣,剷除漢文化為既定方針,聚奎閣出身的師長、學子洞悉日人陰謀,於是藉著創建詩社、教授漢詩,另闢一條保存中華文化的途徑。如蔡然標創建汾溪詩社; 林維朝建立鷇音詩社;曾席珍倡組汾津詩社等。汾津詩社之總幹事王東燁,師事蔡本升,亦受蔡然標指導國學、社員洪大川師源林維朝,皆出身於聚奎閣社學,可見汾津詩社與聚奎閣關係之緊密。大正十一年(西元 1922 年),北港士紳曾席珍以北港地區文風之盛,登高一呼提倡設立汾津吟社。在日治的殖民時期,由其詩社的文學活動及詩歌作品的表現,可確認本身創社之目的─「致力於漢文化保存」,已經落實。汾津詩社為日治時期雲林傳統詩社的種子,經由社員遷徙播撒,分芽茁壯,深深影響四湖、水林、元長、虎尾等雲林地區。詩社的發展,更因此增添雲林地方的文學風氣。汾津詩社的家鄉詩話,爲地方建構出日治時期鄉土文史的許多面象,使古笨港風華再現,承接傳統,體現現代,在漢詩文學火炬的傳承上更有其跨時代的地位。本論文以北港汾津詩社研究為題,在行文架構安排上,先於第一章說明本論文之研究動機與目的、方法與現況、範圍與限制。第二章汾津詩社的發展與沿革,將詩社的源起,臺灣詩社的流變,雲林地區詩社的發展,作縱向與橫面的探討。第三章以汾津詩社的創立與發展為論述,重建活動樣貌,及所參與的跨區域性詩社活動及其意義。進入第四章,進行汾津重要詩人及社群分析,以最著名的「詩棋八仙侶」八位文人,以及陸續加入的社員為討論對象,將每位詩人的生平以傳略的形式呈現,聚焦在汾津詩人詩作的探討,分述不同世代重要詩人作品的析論,從諸多的作品中,可看出這一群具漢學素養的文人,他們在詩歌寫作上各具特色。第五章統合各階段詩人詩作,歸納出書寫的主題;再從使用的詩歌體裁、類別及語言揭呈汾津詩作的藝術特色。第六章歸結上述各章,期能確立汾津詩社對北港地區的影響、雲林文學史的貢獻,以及在臺灣文學史上的地位。 Peigang was a famous port of Taiwan strait during the 16th and 17th century. The development of humanities and literature grew richly at that time. There was a great school for young students named “Ju-Kui School” which was built by Chin-Ling Tsui and Chin-Hui Tsui in Peigang in 19th Dao-Guang Year of Ching Dynasty. They had best teachers, and cultivated the most top students among the entire county. Therefore the literature was highly developed in Peigang. But it was getting difficult to maintain the literature development after the time of Ju-Kui School. When Japanese governed Taiwan and set the policy to destroy the Chinese culture, the teachers and students of Ju-Kui School found out the Japanese’s scheme and tried to find a path to maintain the Chinese culture by setting the poets club and teaching Chinese poems. Such as the Fen-Si Poets Club set by Ran-Biao Tsui, the Ku-Yin Poets Club set by Wei-Chao Lin, and the Fen-Jin Poets Club set by Si-Jean Zeng. Tong-Yeh Wong was the chairman of Fen-Jin Poets Club who was taught by Ben-Sen Tsui and Ran-Biao Tsui, the member, Dai-Chuan Hong was taught by Wei-Chao Lin, and they all came from the Ju-Kui School. It showed how close the connection was between the Fen-Jin Poets Club and the Ju-Kui School. In 11th Da-Zheng year (1922 AD), Si-Jean Zeng suggested to set the Fen-Jin Poets Club for the rich development of literature in Peigang. During the period of Japanese government in Taiwan, the purpose to devote to maintain the Chinese culture was accomplished through the literature activities and poems of the Poets Club. Fen-Jin Poets Club was the seed of the traditional poets club in Yunlin during the time under the Japanese government. And the seed grew by the movement of club members which deeply infected other areas such as Sihu, Shuilin, Yunchangand Huwei in Yunlin county. The development of Poets Club enriched the literature atmosphere in Yunlin county. The Club’s poems about the hometown described many perspectives of local history and reveal the society of old Peigang during the time of Japanese government. It took from the tradition and reveal the modern, and showed great importance across generations of Chinese poems . The research is focused on the Fen-Jin Poets Club in Peigang, and the structure of article is designed into six chapters. The 1stchapter is about the motivate and purpose of the research. The 2ndchapter is about the development of Fen-Jin Poets Club, and to discuss the origin, the changes and the development of Yunlin Poets Clubs. The 3rdchapter is about the founding and developing of Fen-Jin Poets Club, to reveal the faces and meanings of the Poets Club activities across areas. The 4thchapter is the analysis of important poets and society. The objects are the eight famous poets who were known as the “8 companions of poem time” and also the other new joiners. This chapter is about the biography of the poets, focused on their work of important poets from different generations. It tells the features of each poet with rich Chinese culture capacity from many works. The 5th chapter gathered all works from different generations and to generalize the topic and features from the forms, types, and language of Fen-Jin poems. The 6thchapter is to summarize the other five chapters and to confirm the effects on Peigang area, the contributions on the history of Yunlin literature, and the position on the history of Taiwan literature. |