本研究旨在瞭解居家式保母適性教保信念與工作倦怠滿意度現況、比較不同背景變項之居家式保母適性教保信念與工作倦怠之差異情形,並探討兩者之間關係。 本研究以全台灣地區社區保母系統之居家式保母為研究對象,採「保母適性教保信念量表」以及「保母工作狀況量表」之問卷調查法進行研究,以便利取樣方式抽取2,844位居家式保母為樣本,合計回收1,251份問卷,過濾後的有效問卷為1,171份,有效回收率為93.6%。 研究結果發現:一、不同背景變項之居家式保母在適性教保信念之差異情形,以居家式保母之年齡等背景變項有顯著差異。二、不同背景變項之居家式保母在工作倦怠之差異情形,以年齡及托育幼兒性別等背景變項有顯著差異。三、居家式保母適性教保信念與工作倦怠之間具正相關。 The purposes of this study were to (1) understand family childcare providers' beliefs about education and child caring based on developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) and job burnout ; (2) compare the differences of background variant of beliefs about DAP; and (3) examine the correlation between developmentally appropriate education and child caring beliefs and job burnout. Convenient sampling was used to select the participants from community family childcare provider systems in Taiwan. 「Childcare Provider's Developmentally Appropriate Education and Child Caring Survey」and 「Childcare Provider Work Status Survey」were delivered to 2,844 family child care providers, and 1,171 family child care providers returned the questionnaire and became the samples of this study. The effective retrievals is 93.6%. The results showed:1.There were significant differences in beliefs about DAP in terms of the age family child care providers.2.There were significant differences in burnout in terms of the age, and child care gender family child care provider's.3.There was a positive correlation between the family child care provider's beliefs about DAP and job burnout survey.