近年來兩岸貿易頻繁,加上政府開放中國觀光客來臺旅遊,因此台灣極具的農特產之一茶葉遂成為中國觀光客的最愛,據行政院農業委員會農業統計年報顯示臺灣茶葉改良場於2011年茶葉申報總出口量為2.815公噸,但劣質茶混充國產茶、高價茶及進口茶混充國產茶銷售,損及消費者的權益日益嚴重。基於以上背景動機, 因此,本研究想進一步的來瞭解消費者對於茶葉的知覺價值、產品聯想、產品知識、顧客滿意與再購意願之間的關係。本研究採用量化方式,發放問卷對象以中國福建省地區茶葉會展中心、百貨公司、茶葉量販店及傳統茶莊為發放問卷對象,本次問卷共300份扣除無效卷回收有效卷總共219份,有效回收率70﹪。其資料分析分為基本分析與整體模式分析共兩部分。基本資料方面,本研究以SPSS12.0進行分析,分析包含敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析;整體模式方面再以AMOS-18.0軟體進行驗證性因素分析與假設性驗證。在結構方程模式中除了知覺價值對再購意願沒有顯著之外其於都具有顯著的正向影響。 This study aims to understand the relationship among product perceived value, product association, product knowledge and customer satisfaction to repurchase intention. Using Taiwan domestic high mountain tea as the study object and based on quantitative survey as the research method. 300 copies of questionnaire were distributed to people from Fujian province, mainland China. As a result, 81 copies were eliminated leaving 219(70%) valid questionnaires. The data analysis is divided into basic analysis and overall model analysis. The software SPSS12.0 was used to basic analysis, including descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis. The software AMOS18.0 was used to overall model analysis, including confirmatory factor analysis and hypothesis validation. It was found that besides “perceived value”, all the other variables had significant positive influence on the behavior intentions.