癌症病患因疾病本身及癌症之治療,導致許多不適產生疲憊感。惟疲憊屬主觀之個體感受,難免在醫病之間形成認知及治療策略上的歧異,因此主流醫學多以問卷作為測量工具來幫助評估癌症患者疲憊現象,作為診斷之參考。多數癌症病人會尋求輔助與另類療法緩解不適症狀,在台灣社會中,傳統中醫調理是癌症輔助治療重要的一環,而中醫體質與辨證論治密不可分,惟西醫對於癌因性疲憊之評斷與中醫體質之相關性尚未有研究探討。本研究採橫斷式研究設計,並以立意取樣方式進行問卷調查,以嘉義縣某教學醫院中醫腫瘤科門診癌症病人為收案對象,自2012年10月15日到2013年3月31日止,共計收取問卷107份,有效問卷為102份,有效回收率為95.3%。問卷內容包括中醫體質量表(The Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnair;CCMQ)與台灣版簡明疲憊量表(The Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan Form)。資料譯碼後輸入電腦以SPSS 18.0統計分析,採用T檢定、逐步迴歸分析法等。研究結果發現,有41.2 % 的腫瘤病人屬於中重度疲憊型;中醫體質判定以氣虛質和陽虛質二項與台灣版簡明疲憊量表之相關性具有統計學上的意義,氣虛體質的疲憊勝算是非氣虛體質的1.99倍。本研究說明西醫使用之疲憊量表與中醫體質類型判定結果具有顯著之關聯性,研究結果可作為中西醫整合改善癌症患者疲憊不適之參考。 Patients with cancer disease have many discomfort syndromes, like fatigue, due to cancer itself and treatment. However, the fatigue is a subjective syndrome, therefore, it may be result in a gap of treatment strategy between physician and patient. The assessment of fatigue in cancer patient was done by questionnarre in current medicine. In Taiwan, many cancer patients will find complementary and alternative medicine for relieving the discomfort syndromes. Chinese medicine has important role in care of complementary and alternative medicine, furthermore, Chinese body constitution diagnosis and treatment are inseparable. However, as we known, these were few studies investigated between the assessment the cancer fatigue and the Constitution of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Therefore, a cross-section study was designed and a total 102 subjects were recruited by interview questionnaire from a oncology clinic of hospital in Chaiyi during the period 2012 Oct 15 to 2013 March 31. Effective response rate was 95.3%(102/107).The questionnaire included the Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnair and the Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan Form .The study result showed 41.2 % subjects had moderate to severe fatigue, and these was a statistic significant association between Qi-deficiency type, Yang- deficiency type and BFI-Taiwan Form. Furthermore, the odd ratio between Qi-deficiency type and non Qi-deficiency type was 1.99. In conclusion, the constitution in Chinese Medicine might be a potential tool for assessment of cancer fatigue.