歷來,選擇出家的女性,在客觀修學環境條件上,均較為貧乏不足,某些區域甚且十分困窘。然這樣的情形,近數十年來大有轉變。雖說在不同區域有不同的發展情形,但普遍而言均有大幅的進步。我們不免好奇與探索的渴望,在這樣轉變過程中,是否出現了某些平凡而又不凡的人,藉環境勢力及其個人不凡的眼光及意志,進行了自我證成及提攜後進的努力,讓正向的轉變持續的擴大發酵。本論文選擇了當代西方藏傳女尼丹津‧葩默與臺灣香光尼僧團的創始人悟因法師為討論對象,試圖理解在以緣起性空立論的佛教領域,女性之可為與不可為,並就倆位共有的身份與作為,女性僧伽教育者與教育志業,進行綜論比較,期為志同於此的女性修學者樹立典範與參考。並進一步瞭解當代之佛教女性修行在整體質與量的提升與經營上,豐盈與匱乏之所在,優勢與困頓之所在,而能更清楚掌握戮力前行的方向。 For quite a long time, females who chose to become Buddhist Nuns were restricted and poorly supported in their educational conditions.However, the situation has changed a great deal over the past decades. Although there is various development in different regions, significant progress is evident as a whole.We may wonder whether some ordinary yet unusual people strived to attain self-enlightment and help new adherents through their great insight and strong will during this changing period.Contemporary western nun Tenzin Palmo of Tibetan Buddhism and Nun Wu Yin from Taiwan Luminary Order are the main characters studied in the essay.By understanding female achievement and impediment to progresss in the Buddhism realm based on Theory of Dependant Origination and Emptiness, as well as comprehensive comparison including common identity and behavior of these two nuns, nun educator and education,we hope to set model and provide reference for female Buddhism learners.Furthermore, clearly steer the way forward means of better comprehending the richness and want, advantages and obstacles in promoting and managing contemporary Buddhism female learning.