本研究旨在探討身心障礙福利服務機構,為提供服務對象休閒旅遊活動時,如何藉由策略聯盟的方式,克服身心障礙朋友外出旅遊的困境,增進機構之間分享資源、促進組織彼此學習,共同創造組織與服務對象新的體驗與價值,來達成組織的使命與目標。研究對象為EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟,本研究使用兩種資料證據的來源,包括半結構式訪談、非營利組織本身提供的檔案文件(提供EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟發展的歷史資料、服務流程圖、會議記錄與研習課程內容)等。 主要的研究發現包括:(1) EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟屬於人際核心型的策略聯盟,而EZGO旅遊聯盟的共同願景能夠完成機構使命,實踐機構價值,也是吸引機構加入策略聯盟另一個重要因素。(2) 以學習理論來看EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟運用深思熟慮與隨機應變的策略,透過跨組室會議等方式,建立各項機制來配合聯盟運作,面對服務對象旅遊中各項複雜的情境,聯盟運用行動研究法尋找各項應變方法。(3)以學習型組織中五項修練的觀點,EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟藉由各項研習課程與休閒旅遊活動,引導成員機構工作人員及服務對象突破原本心智模式,促進學習各項知識與技能。(4)藉由共同創造核心原則架構互動平台,促進機構成員之間與工作人員與服務對象之間,分享知識、獲取資訊。(5) EZGO無障礙旅遊聯盟是由各機構組成並非實體的組織,聯盟中各項決議對於機構內部沒有實際的約束力,造成聯盟執行成效不彰。 This research examined how disabilities welfare service agencies provided service of tourism activities through strategic alliances for overcoming the obstacles facing disabled people in traveling, sharing resources, and learning from each other between agencies. By co-creating a new experience and value for disabled people, EZGO achieved the agency's mission and objectives. The case of this research is the EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance. The data source of this research included semi-structured interviews and documents provided by the non-profit organization including the history of EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance, service flow chart, meeting records and training course materials. The main findings include: (1) EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance is an interpersonal core strategic alliance. The vision of EZGO is to accomplish the agency's mission and fulfill the values of the agency, which is another important factor that attracted other agencies to participate in the strategic alliance. (2) Drawing on learning theory, the EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance’s strategy is adaptive and flexible. Through cross-division meetings, it established the mechanism that facilitated the coordination among different agencies. When facing complex situations for serving the disable people, it adopted the action research method to search for responsive solutions. (3) From the perspectives of the fifth disciplines and learning organization, EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance organized various workshops and tourism activities to guide members of the agency staff and clients to exceed the original mental model and promote the knowledge and skillful learning.(4) Through principles of core co-creation framework, an interactive platform was created for members of the agencies and clients to share knowledge and information. (5) EZGO Accessible Tourism Alliance is an institutional organization instead of an entity .The resolutions from agencies were not mandated which might result in ineffective execution.